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World Cup Magazine
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Posts: 7366
Posted on 2015-07-01 18:26:42
Moran20 wrote:

Flames don't worry , Czech Republic still have four matches to play.Just keep winning to have nice thing to say.

Thank you Rocky and Mrc

Ha I'm just playing with you although very tough match next week against France keep up the good work
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-07-01 18:27:34
ogie23 wrote:

Serbia 35 - 49 Finland

It was 35 - 31

Should be good now. Sorry about that . I have a word paper and there a edit the results.
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-07-01 18:29:13
cflames3412 wrote:

Moran20 wrote:

Flames don't worry , Czech Republic still have four matches to play.Just keep winning to have nice thing to say.

Thank you Rocky and Mrc

Ha I'm just playing with you although very tough match next week against France keep up the good work

Yeah , i know . Actualy i did cover the first match between France and Czech . Thank you . Good luck next week.
Posts: 7366
Posted on 2015-07-01 18:55:30
Moran20 wrote:

cflames3412 wrote:

Moran20 wrote:

Flames don't worry , Czech Republic still have four matches to play.Just keep winning to have nice thing to say.

Thank you Rocky and Mrc

Ha I'm just playing with you although very tough match next week against France keep up the good work

Yeah , i know . Actualy i did cover the first match between France and Czech . Thank you . Good luck next week.

hopefully i get the same results as last time. good luck with the Romania team
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-07-19 17:41:22
World Cup XIV - #4

World Cup XIV - Week 7 - Qualification - 17.07.2015 [b/]

Group A

Sweden is still in the pursuit for a qualification at the World Cup.Unfortunatly for Austria , theyr chances are now at 0%.They've been crushed in Sweden , and now they only can hope at a maximul 3rd spot in this group.Sweden need to be perfect and this can be not enought.They need to beat USA and after that , they need to beat Italy and Turkey and USA to lose at least one game.Tough job for them but they need to have hope.

Sweden 77 - 31 Austria

History Leason.Do you remember the Roman Empire ? Well , is back.The quote "Veni , vidi , vici" is once again on the lips on everyone.Till now , Italy have 6 matches and all six of them ended with theyr victory.And the question we ask every year is back . Could this year be Italy's year ? Well this year look the most powerfull of all.We all want Italy to win.Maybe in a final against USA.That's the dream.

Turkey 28 - 52 Italy

Group B



Group C

Danger ! That's the word for the World Cup Chanpions from last season.This season from six games they only won three and are now in big , big danger to watch this World Cup from home.That's the hardest thing in the world to do.Once you've reach a high level , it's tought to stay there.United Kingdom is the excepcion that confirm this rule.In think Argentina is at one victory away from another qualify at World Cup , and with matches against Bosnia and Belgia , i think they are safe.

Argentina 52 - 49 Hungary

BOT defence for Bosnia and Brazil took the victory for the first place of the group with five wins and only one lost.They need to be carefull , because they could end the season in tears.They have matches against Argentina and Hungary and they need to beat Hungary to be sure of the qualification.

Brazil 70 - 45 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Group D

I sent a employee of mine to cover the match between the Chech Republic and Russia.After the match , by the way the score was 21-17 for the host of the game , my employee tried to reach the manager of Czech Republic for a quick interview , but he was runnig all the way and keep screaming 6 and 0 , 6 and 0 , and something about "he is the law" and a bad word.My staff doesn't like him.If he did something like that after a victory , what he will do when Czech will lose the first game ?

Czech Republic 21 - 17 Russia

Ukraine is now with one victory this season.They managed to beat Bulgary , who was indeed theyr best chance.I don't want to upset anyone , but they need a little more than a good QB and some decent receivers.They need something more in the defence.Bulgary is still at start and still a young team , but theyr managers need to raise some bulgarian players.

Ukraine 56 - 35 Bulgary

Group E

Well this group is HELL.Actual HELL.We have five teams in this group and four all have have still chances to reach the World Cup.Here , Poland beat Canada to get over them in the Group E , and now we have a new leader.Both teams have two matches reaming.Canada has a program a little bit easy , with two matches at home against Columbia and Slovenia.Poland need to host New Zeeland and travel in Slovenia.This is very exciting.We'll see next weak who remainst with chances and who will say bye to a new qualification.

Poland 35 - 28 Canada

New Zeeland doesn't want to lay down the weapons this easy.They still have a small chances to qualify at a new World Cup and try again for that medals.They beat Slovenia and knock them from the places that qualify.New Zeeland have two matches to play.They will travel in Poland and in the last week they will host Columbia , but the first match is crucial.There no guarantee that if they win both matches they will qualify.But i'm sure that they will try.Slovenia will travel twice over sea.Once they will travel in South America for the duel against Columbia and then they'll fly over in North America for the match against Canada.In between those two matches they will host Poland.They have a nightmare program but a very experienced manager.

Slovenia 49 - 56 New Zeeland

Group F



Group G



Group H


2.United Kingdom
Posts: 7366
Posted on 2015-07-19 19:43:43
Posts: 0
Posted on 2015-07-20 14:44:42
Moran20 wrote:

World Cup XIV - #4
Group D
Ukraine is now with one victory this season.They managed to beat Bulgary , who was indeed theyr best chance.I don't want to upset anyone , but they need a little more than a good QB and some decent receivers.They need something more in the defence.Bulgary is still at start and still a young team , but theyr managers need to raise some bulgarian players.
Ukraine 56 - 35 Bulgary

I agree, this season attack is enhanced with a couple of new players but defense is still unwatchable.
I did my best but the players have to grow, instead half of them play in bot teams ....
Posts: 443
Joined: 2012-12-27
Posted on 2015-08-21 19:59:29
whats going on with magazine?
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-08-24 20:17:53
World Cup XIV - #4

World Cup XIV - Main Group Stage - 18-20.08.2015 [b/]

This year the host of World Cup will be Switzerland.The former World Champions , that this year failed to qualify at the Final Phase.Maybe it's time for a comeback from United Kingdom or USA or baybe will be another surpise like last year.This year we miss our last World Champions Hungary and the vice-champions Slovakia , but Denmark who won the bronze medal last year , will give another try at the medals this year.Let's see what was the exciting things that happed in the main groups.

Group A

Group A was a very equlibrate group , with three teams that won the qualification group Netherland , Czech Republic and Germany and one that finish on 2nd , Ireland .On papper we have two big favorites , with Czech Republic and Germany after the qualification and with Netherland right behind them and wait for a mistake from those two.Ireland i think must be happy that they reach this phase.Maybe will see something pretty from them.First day come with two normal results after Germany beat Czech Republic and give them the first lose of the season.In the other match Netherland beat for the third time this year Ireland.The next day , Germany got the 2nd win after they beat Ireland and Czech Republic managed to beat Netherland for an advantage in the last group matches.Last day come with a massive surprise when Netherland beat Germany.Ironicaly that wasn't the big surprise.The big surprise was that Germany was using a BOT formation in the offence.The other two formations took advantage of that and after the vicotry of Czech Republic over Ireland , three teams where with 2 victories and 1 lose , Netherland and Czech Republic go thought in the quarter finals.

2-Czech Republic

Group B

Group Of Death.THis is this year Group of Death.With 3 former World Champions and with Denmark who won 2 times silver medal and 2 times bronze medal.This is the best we can get in a group.This is the kind of things that we wait at a World Cup.First day came with just a little surprise when Poland win over Spain.Maybe with a foreigh coach they could rejoin the former shining.In the other match , United Kingdom beat Denmark and help Rocky get his revenge for the lose of the bronze medal last season with New Zeeland.Second day Poland defeat Denmark and the only hope for the danish was that Spain will beat United Kingdom.But this thing never happened because Spain played with a BOT offence and UK crushed them.On the third day things where clear.Poland and United Kingdom will qualify for the quarter finals.The final match between those two will set the order for the group.Poland shown a very powerfull team and will be a tought opponent in the knockout stage.They beat 42-17 United Kingdom and claim the first spot of the group.In the other game , Spain played one more game with a BOT offence and end this World Cup with 3 defeats when people was hoping for another medal.

2.United Kingdom

Group C

Another tough group.USA , World Champions in the past , Australia and France silver medals in the past and Argentina an omniprezent at World Cup.First day come with a suprise.A very big one , when France managed to beat USA.Very good defence from the french , the americans scored only 14 points.Australia got theyr first victory at this World Cup , after they win over Argentina.Second day was the time when USA made the decision to continue at this World Cup.They need the victory in the match against Australia and thet got it after a very tough game.59-49 in the end for the americans and both teams where at 1-1.France beat Argentina , and for the south americans it seems that is a little unlucky this season after a second defeat at the same score.Third day had come and the fight was on fire.France was pretty sure of they quarter final spot.But they need not to lose at a very big diffence.Australia need victory , desperately.USA need the victory to be sure.But a victory at small difference could not count.And they could qualify also with a lost , but they need a very small lose and a lose from Australia.Pretty exciting ! USA managed to win the game against Argentina in the overtime and now they need to wait for the other result to know for sure if they qualify.And the result in the favor of France and USA.France win the last game and the first place of the group.Maybe here we have a potential medal this year. We will see.

2.United States of America

Group D

Maybe this is the Italy year.Unfortanetly there isn't.We will see that there is a death curse on them.I think there is no posible another explination on what is happening to them.This year they have a equlibrate group at World Cup and after a perfect season in the qualification nobody expect nothing less than a final for the gold.First day is for warm-up and for get used to it.Serbia beat Italy and Canada beat Brazil.35-21 for the serbians in the match against Italy , and this will be the reason Italy will leave so soon.The offence was a nightmare.We could'n say that Serbian defence was in the charge of the game.Italy simply was not a good team today.Brazil was the unlucky team to get in the front of the italian next day.56-42 for Italy.56-49 in the other match of the group , where surprising Canada wins over Serbia.After 2 days , Canada lead the group with 2 wins , followed by Serbia and Italy with 1 each.Brazil is out.Lasst day comes and Serbia was in a pretty good position.They need to beat Brazil and hope that Italy won't beat to hard Canada.Or beat it very , very hard.This thing happened.Serbia won the game against brazil with 45-24 and Italy win over Canada 49-45.Final table look like this.Canada is 1st , Serbia is 2nd.Italy is a tied with the other two teams , but only at 4+ at points difference."Death curse" man.I say that couple of season ago.Check it out.Maybe they will break it one time , but till then , we just need to feel very sorry for them.


See you tomorrow for the covers from quarter finals.

Quarter finals:

(C1) France vs Serbia (D2)
(B1) Poland vs USA (C2)
(A1) Netherland vs United Kingdom (B2)
(D1) Canada vs Czech Republic (A2)

Tomorrow we will see that it was better for the teams that didn't win the group.
Gatr22GI Supporter
Posts: 14549
Joined: 2009-09-29
Posted on 2015-08-24 21:09:12
This is great journalism:

Group D

I sent a employee of mine to cover the match between the Chech Republic and Russia.After the match , by the way the score was 21-17 for the host of the game , my employee tried to reach the manager of Czech Republic for a quick interview , but he was runnig all the way and keep screaming 6 and 0 , 6 and 0 , and something about "he is the law" and a bad word.My staff doesn't like him.If he did something like that after a victory , what he will do when Czech will lose the first game ?

Czech Republic 21 - 17 Russia

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