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whitenekkeGI Supporter
Posts: 633
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Posted on 2014-11-19 7:06:01
Two weeks even. Keep 'em coming when you got the time
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-11-19 19:51:54
World Cup XII - #9

Week 8 - 07.11.2014

Group A

1 - Italy

2 - Czech Republic

Group B

Monster score early in the morning in New Zeeland , between the locals and Columbia.Nice game to watch at , but in terms of defense , a dizaster for both teams.A BOT defence for Columbia , and without a answer a very weak defence for New Zeeland.I cound't stop asking what would have happened if Columbia would't have a BOT defence ? I guess it's better without a answer.Good thing for New Zeeland to get the victory today , as they need to be perfect to hope for the 2nd place of the group , at least.For Columbia the negative season continue , and they blow up , a good chance today to get the first victory of the season .
New Zeeland 91 - 70 Columbia

Last chance for Sweden , to be at least a bit closer to a new edition of World Cup.This season they've been up , they've been down , and if they will qualify for World Cup , it would be a nice reward for them , as they beat the World Cup Champions and some other good National Teams.Today they meet , Poland , a team with only one defeat this season.It seems that Poland is a stone to toght for Sweden this year , as they win today.After a perfect half from Poland , When they get a 28 points lead difference , for Sweden it was impossible to recover.Poland is now 6-1 and it is matemathical qualified for the World Cup.Sweden is 3-4 and it has only 5-10 % chances to qualify.Next week Poland have a BYE week and Sweden travel in South America for the duel against Columbia. .
Sweden 21 - 45 Poland

Group C

1 - Australia

2 - Slovakia

Group D

Finland had a wake up call , and remember that in theyr roster there is one of the most good QB in the GI World , and start again to win matches.Today the victim is Ireland , who , after they've been leaders of the group for a few weeks , now they have to be happy only with the 3rd place and need to be very carefull if they want to qualify for the World Cup.we could say good first half for Finland or bad first half for Ireland , but i will go for the first option.There still chances for both teams to qualify at the World Cup , but Finland need to be perfect to do that.They are 3-3 and still have matches against Brazil and Bulgaria.For Ireland it will be a bit hard as they still have to meet , Netherland and Brazil.We will see who will get through , as this is very exciting to watch .
Finland 42 - 24 Ireland

The 3rd consevutive win for Netherland today against Bulgaria , and they are very close to reach the World Cup again after a break.Very good offence today and maybe the other managers of the other countrys , underestimated Netherland this season.With a weak first half of qualification , they are close to be perfect,in the last 4 matches of the group.For Bulgaria the losing streak continue and it's now 7 in a row.After this week Netherland lead the group and Bulgaria is the Cinderella of the group.Next week Bulgaria will have a BYE week , Netherland has the last game of the group for them , in Ireland .
Netherland 59 - 35 Bulgaria

Group E

It's a perfect season for Spain , till now , but many victories were obtained either in overtime with a bit of luck , either with the help from the opponents who forget to set a valid team.Today Spain was lucky , that Germany had a BOT offence , and the scorebord shown very drastic figures in favor of Spain.For Germany this defeat could be very tought to recover if next week Portugal will win the match against Spain , but maybe Spain will be fair and win all the matches.Spain is leader in Group E , follow close by Germany and Portugal on 3rd.Next Week Germany will stay , cheer and watch the duel between Spain and Portugal. .
Spain 38 - 0 Germany

Another game with at leas one formation as BOT.Many managers forgot to set the orders this week , and this lead to high scoring games.Today Portugal beat Belgium , but the belgians were BOT in defence , and the portuguese got easy the victory.The score is a bit close but Portugal should be happy with this result.Not a very good season for Portugal , they hae 3 loss and the World Cup seems far , far away from them.They need to beat Spain next week to still have hopes for a qualifing spot.If they loss the next week game , they will be out of the World CUp 12.Belgium remained with only a victory this season and this season is officialy worst than the last one .
Belgium 56 - 77 Portugal

Group F

1 - Russia

2 - Romania

Group G

Big , huge surprise today in Ukraine , where the locals after 6 consecutive defeats , they managed to win against a team that win over the United Kingdom.They beat Serbia , with a modest defence and not a very shining offence , but i think Lady Luck was in Ukraine today and didn't want Ukraine to finish with negative points this season.Serbia with this lost has much more to lose , as they were in direct duel with United Kingdom for the first place in this group.They are now 5-2 and on the 2nd place of the group.Next week , Ukraine will have the last game of the season against Hungary , and Serbia will stay and prepare for theyr last match in this qualifing group .
Ukraine 42 - 35 Serbia

The strangest game of the season took place today in Bosnia , between the local team and Hungary.Both teams with no BOT formation of any kind , both teams decent offence teams and not a very brilliant defences , ended with the incredible score of 13-7 in favor of Hungary , after 60 minutes of play.In a GI world , where every match ends with a much bigger scores and difference , this match stood above the others.Maybe this match will be an example for the other teams , and they will remember this very important words:"Offence win matches , defence win championship".Maybe in the future will see again this kind of result in much important games in between much powerfull teams.Both teams are close to be out from this year World Cup ecuations , but i need to say MUCH RESPECT for this Game .
Bosnia & Herzegovina 7 - 13 Hungary

Group H

1 - Norway

2 - France
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-11-21 0:06:39
World Cup XII - #9

Week 9 - 14.11.2014

Group A

1 - Italy

2 - Czech Republic

Group B

What a game.That was a trilling game for both teams , but the New Zeeland squad keept control of the entire game , after the perfect start of the game.With 2TD in the first quarter , New Zeeland showed the strength from last year , and that if some players didn't suffered from injury this season , they could be much higher in the Group B.This victory could only be just for history , as they meet next week Poland , in the last match from this group for them.Switzerland will have a much easy fixture , when they host Columbia.With this 2 teams perfect equaly , it seems that Switzerland has the first chance to be on the 2nd place of the group , next week .
Switzerland 52 - 63 New Zeeland

Last match of the season for Sweden , who has still chance to qualify to the World Cup , but it a fantasmatic scenario.After today's victory , Sweden is 4-4 , and they need next week for Columbia to win in Swizerland and Poland to win over New Zeeland.This is hard to believe , but for Sweden is a small chance.Columbia has know only one chance left to check a first victory this season , but the odds look pretty bad for them.For Sweden it was a pretty good season.They managed to beat the World Champions , Switzerland , and New Zeeland once.I think in a few years , Sweden will be a big force on GI World .
Columbia 31 - 70 Sweden

Group C

1 - Australia

2 - Slovakia

Group D

Netherland 2-2 after four matches.Netherland 6-2 after eight matches.What is this means ? Netherland will be at World Cup XII.After last year when they exact opposite of this season , this season , in a group more difficult , they only lost 2 games.The other team , Ireland , is close to be left out , but they still have a little chances to qualify , it's tought , but not imposible.They are in direct duel , with Brazil and Finland.In the last week , we will have Ireland vs Brazil , and Finland who have the most chances to qualify will face Bulgaria.Next week we'll know for sure who will qualify after the match between Finland and Bulgaria .
Ireland 31 - 45 Netherland

Finland seems to save this season , after 2 consecutive wins over Ireland and Brazil , with the help from theyr QB , Mauno Råback , they have only one game , against Bulgaria to qualify for a new edition of World Cup.Brazil after a good start of the season , they lose theyr momentum and they are very close to lose another World Cup edition , after last year.2 years ago they were very close , to win a medal , under the lead of Kagemusha.Finland is a team that is always at World Cup , but this year was very close to be left out.From this group , Netherland is allready qualified , but Finland , Ireland and Brazil will fight for the 2nd place of the group .
Brazil 35 - 49 Finland

Group E

Perfect qualification season for Spain.Eight matches , eight victories , 2 against Germany , 2 against Portugal , this isn't a small thing.Spain is now one of the favorite team for a medal this year , but we seen last year that there are not favorites and non-favorites , there are only determination and skills.Spanish people may dream for a medal , that is fair for anybody.Today Portugal start the game very badly and the final result was in favor of Spain , again.With this result , Portugal is out from this year World Cup , after last season , when they finished on 4th.World Cup XII just lost a very good national team , but maybe is another team that could do , what the portugues did last year. .
Portugal 49 - 66 Spain

We have our record points match , till now.168 game points between Turkey and Belgium.The duel between the very last teams of the Group E.After a victory for Belgium , in the first half of qualification , Turkey get theyr revenge and this season will be a pozitive one.To be honest , Belgium with a BOT defence today , they practicaly give the match to Turkey , but it happens , there no reason to be sad.Belgium still need some new players to build a new and more powerfull team for the future.Could say the same thing for Turkey.We must keep an eye on this two teams in the near future , as they could surprise us in one or two seasons .
Turkey 105 - 63 Belgium

Group F

1 - Russia

2 - Romania

Group G

Not a very convincing victory for UK today , but with this victory they are again at World Cup after a one year break.We could say , that they didn't shown theyr best , but we don't want to uppset the Head Coach and receive some letters of complaints and threats.Maybe this is theyr level , this year , who knows.We will know better when United Kingdom will face some real and powerfull teams , as it was Serbia.For Bosnia & Herzegovina , this was a very good season.Two victories and they stand tall in front of some great teams , such UK , Serbia and Hungary.Much respect SrednaD.This is the man who Bosnia is compelled to say a very big Thank You.UK goes to World Cup , Bosnia will finish on 4th .
United Kingdom 31 - 24 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Hungary still have some little chances to reach the World Cup XII , but they need to win against United Kingdom and Serbia to loss in theyr match against Bosnia & Herzegovina.No one is question theyr streght to beat UK , but the real thing , is in the other match , where i think Bosnia is not at a very high level to beat Serbia.But we need to say that Serbia gave us the most surprising result of this year qualification , when they lose against Ukraine.So the hungarian players must hope till the end.TOday was a very tought match , as Ukraine has remembered how to play this sport.A bit late , in my oppinion , but who am I to judge this thing.They need to get a shock and next year will be better.Hungary still have a reason to fight.For Ukraine the season is over .
Hungary 49 - 42 Ukraine

Group H

1 - Norway

2 - France

With this i'm even.We still have one week to be played.Good luck to everyone
Rocky Solo
Posts: 10669
Posted on 2014-11-21 0:24:11
My NZ just need a 50 point win over Poland. Our tickets are all but booked
Posts: 0
Posted on 2014-11-21 0:47:22
Rocky Solo wrote:

My NZ just need a 50 point win over Poland. Our tickets are all but booked

You really need Columbia to show up or for a bot situation in one of the games
Rocky Solo
Posts: 10669
Posted on 2014-11-21 1:11:09
Either way we havent disgraced ourselves in any games and lost two games at the death. Not bad. When I looked at the roster I thought they might beat Columbia so 4-4 is more than acceptable. It will be a while before NZ reach par again
Posts: 35
Posted on 2014-11-21 17:58:08
Thankx for the World Cup Magazine. It's nice to read and see the progression of teh teams or the other way, not progressive.
A very good job
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-11-22 13:25:29

World Cup XII - #10

Week 10 - 21.11.2014

Group A

1 - Italy

2 - Czech Republic

Group B

Even if they had little chances of qualification , New Zeeland travel to Poland with only one tought in theyr mind.To leave the World Champions at home this year.They were in direct duel with Switzerland for the last place that goes to World Cup Final Tournament.But Poland is once again a fair-play team , as they defend theyr chances fair and square.The difference was made in the 3rd quarter of the game , when Poland scores twice and New Zeeland none.Maybe for New Zeeland is time for a reconstruction , and even if they woudn't be a very good season in the upcoming season , they will be ready for a medal in the far future.For Poland is a new chance to get a medal , maybe this year they will took the chance .
Poland 49 - 28 New Zeeland

Last week it was the first chance for Switzerland to reach once again the World Cup , but New Zeeland want to extend the thrill and beat them.Luckily for the swiss , this week they played against Columbia , who by the way , has a negative season.Switzerland got theyr chance to defend the last year trophy , when they beat every chance and became World Champions.This season they showed weaknesses as they've defeated 3 times , and they fight for the 2nd place till the last week.Maybe they save theyr streght for the final matches.Will see this thing in a few days.Columbia still need a much skilled roster and maybe then they could win some matches.Until then , they will wait the start of the new season .
Switzerland 45 - 7 Columbia

Group C

1 - Australia

2 - Slovakia

Group D

My neighbours and also my rivals.Should i speak bad of them ? I have no reason to do that.They are a young national team , with a young rooster and they need a few season to grow up just a little.Until then we understand this negative season.This year they played against 4 very tought teams and one victory seems to be a SF story.I want to say once again , that we should wait and watch in a few years at Bulgaria , Sweden and a few other countrys what they have hidden in theyr teams.On the other half , Finland save the season in the last matches.WIth wins over Brazil and Ireland they obtained the 2nd spot , at point difference over Ireland.They are a very experienced team , and even they didn't have a medal , they must be at the World Cup .
Bulgaria 7 - 35 Finland

If someone told me after half of qualification matches that Brazil and Ireland , the 1st and 2nd place in this group , would not qualify for the World Cup , I say that he is crazy.But now after eight matches each , we have Ireland on 3rd and Brazil 4th.Who is crazy now , right ? Maybe it was an accident for both teams , but in my oppinion is a very bad accident who could be easily avoid.But who am i to judge.They must decide what is the best for theyr national team , in they community.Brazil is now on second year miss from the World Cup , and Ireland i think is on 4th or 5th year.Maybe next year both teams will avoid this situation and be more carefull .
Brazil 42 - 55 Ireland

Group E

The german players want to give theyr fans a goodbye show and thank you for this season.What a perfect opponent to do that was Belgium.I don't know what was going on with them , but they were BOT defence for 3 games now.Maybe the Head Coach took an early vacation.Today the score was a flow in favor of Germany as they scored 13 were excited and looking forward to the final tournament as theyr team could win once again a medal.But in order to do that they must be much more consistent.But if we think a little , the only team that beat them was Spain , the perfect season , Spain.Maybe they will avoid Spain , and meet them in a knockout match to get theyr revenge.For Belgium the season is over but luckily with one victory for a positive season .
Germany 91 - 49 Belgium

We could say this result is a suprise or could say that isn't.Portugal is a shadow of the last season team and that is why we are not surprise that they lost today , or that they didn't qualify for the World Cup.Every year the teams are more powerfull , but this season i think Portugal was the same or worse and that's why they will watch the World Cup on TV.For Turkey we could say that is very good season , maybe a good season.They have 2 victories , and i think that was theyr objective for this season.Maybe in a few years they could hope for a qualify at the World Cup but they need much more streght .
Turkey 38 - 35 Portugal

Group F

1 - Russia

2 - Romania

Group G

I've said even from last week , that UK is not the very good team from last year , but maybe they will prove me wrong at the World Cup.After the last week gift from Serbia to UK , this week United Kingdom thought to return the gift and after this defeat against Hungary , they let Serbia to take the 1st place of the group.It is not a very bad thing , but on the season points , Serbia is in advantage after the qualification.Will see at the end of the season who will be on advantage.Here we have 2 teams , that last season didn't reach the World Cup.This season was a good season for both teams , maybe for UK it will be a World Cup Champions season once again.And Serbia will hope for a new medal .
United Kingdom 42 - 48 Hungary

Very good match for both teams , with a slight advantage for Serbia , who win the match by a difference of two TD.Serbia with this victory will finish on the first place , also with the help from Hungary who beat United Kingdom early today.So after last week surprising loss in Ukraine , Serbia rise and win the Group G.I think they could be a pretender for medals since they beat once United Kingdom.Bosnia finished the season with the heads up.This year good be considered a good one.They've been a very uneasy opponent for some great teams, such UK , Serbia and Hungary.This could be a team that we will need to keep an eye on them .
Serbia 56 - 42 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Group H

1 - Norway

2 - France

That's all for the qualication. Now we wait for the WORLD CUP
whitenekkeGI Supporter
Posts: 633
Joined: 2013-07-30
Posted on 2014-11-22 14:03:54
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-11-25 17:59:57
World Cup XII - #12

Today we have a special edition in which we presents the 16 teams that will try this year to win a medal in Australia , at World Cup XII.

This season at beggining there were 36 teams from 4 continents.Unfortunatly for ASIA and AFRICA there is still no very good activity on theyr regions.For the other continents tha situation look like this:

North America - 3 teams : Canada , USA and Mexico.With 2 titles of World Champions and 3 silver medals for USA.

South America - 3 teams : Argentina , Brazil and Columbia.Argentina has the only medal , a bronze one.

Australia - 2 teams : Australia and New Zeeland.Here we have also one medal , a silver medal for Australia.

Europe - 28 teams: United Kingdom , Ireland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Netherland , Belgium , France , Switzerland , Denmark , Sweden , Norway , Finland , Germany , Austria , Poland , Czech Republic , Slovenia , Slovacia , Croatia , Serbia , Bosnia & Herzegovina , Hungary , Romania , Bulgaria , Turkey , Ukraine and Russia.
: Europe leads by far at the numbers of titles and medals.In here we have the greatest national team , United Kingdom , with five World Cup titles and one bronze medal.Also there is Switzerland , Serbia , Germany and Poland with a title of World Champions.

Now let's see exactly which team will try for the gold this year.

Italy - Perfect record this season , in a group with Czech Republic , Denmark and Croatia.Many times were favorites for the title but never ever reach the Final.Now let's see the the progress over the years for Italy: World Cup 11 - Quarter Final , World Cup 10 - Bronze Medal , World Cup 9 - Quarter Final , World Cup 8 - 4th place , World Cup 7 - Quarter Final , World Cup 6 - Quarter Final , World Cup 5 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 4 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - Group Stage , World Cup 1 - Group Stage.
Czech Republic - 3 victories this season , 2 against Denmark and the 2nd place in Group A , after Italy.No medals for them.Just a 4th place once.World Cup 11 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 10 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 9 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 8 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 7 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 6 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 5 - Group stage , World Cup 4 - Group stage , World Cup 3 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 2 - 4th place , World Cup 1 - Didn't qualify .
Poland - Only one defeat for Poland till now.Incosistency for the polish team over the years but one World Champions and one Silver Medal on two consecutive years is not to bad .World Cup 11 - Quarter Final , World Cup 10 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 9 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 8 - Group stage , World Cup 7 - Quarter Final , World Cup 6 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 5 - Group stage , World Cup 4 - Silver Medal , World Cup 3 - World Champion , World Cup 2 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 1 - Group Stage.
Switzerland - Biggest surprise in the history of the GI World Cup.Last year with only 1 victory in the main groups they won the World Cup and this after 3 consecutive years when they didh't even qualify : World Cup 11 - World Champions , World Cup 10 - DNQ , World Cup 9 - DNQ , World Cup 8 - DNQ , World Cup 7 - Group stage , World Cup 6 - DNQ , World Cup 5 - DNQ , World Cup 4 - Quarter Final , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - Quarter Final , World Cup 1 - DNQ .
Australia - Just one big result for them , last year when they were very close to a World Cup Champions : World Cup 11 - Silver Medal , World Cup 10 - Group Stage , World Cup 9 - Group Stage , World Cup 8 - Quarter Final , World Cup 7 - DNQ , World Cup 6 - DNQ , World Cup 5 - Group Stage , World Cup 4 - Group Stage , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - DNQ , World Cup 1 - DNQ .
Slovakia - 3 years consecutive at World Cup.Now is the 4th.A very good performance is expected soon from them : World Cup 11 - Group stage , World Cup 10 - Quarter Final , World Cup 9 - Group Stage , World Cup 8 - DNQ , World Cup 7 - DNQ , World Cup 6 - DNQ , World Cup 5 - DNQ , World Cup 4 - DNQ , World Cup 3 - DNQ , World Cup 2 - DNQ , World Cup 1 - DNQ .
Netherland - 2 medals for them.3rd place and 2nd place.Seems that all that is needed is the gold : World Cup 11 - DNQ , World Cup 10 - Group stage , World Cup 9 - DNQ , World Cup 8 - Group Stage , World Cup 7 - DNQ , World Cup 6 - Quarter Final , World Cup 5 - Silver Medalist , World Cup 4 - Group Stage , World Cup 3 - 4th place , World Cup 2 - Bronze Medal , World Cup 1 - Quarter Final .
Finland - Almost at every World Cup edition but never high than the Group stage : World Cup 11 - Group Stage , World Cup 10 - Group Stage , World Cup 9 - Group Stage , World Cup 8 - DNQ , World Cup 7 - DNQ , World Cup 6 - Group Stage , World Cup 5 - DNQ , World Cup 4 - Group Stage , World Cup 3 - DNQ , World Cup 2 - DNQ , World Cup 1 - Group Stage .
Spain - Good results for Spain in first season of the National teams but since then no good result for them : World Cup 11 - Group Stage , World Cup 10 - DNQ , World Cup 9 - Group Stage , World Cup 8 - Group Stage , World Cup 7 - Group Stage , World Cup 6 - DNQ , World Cup 5 - Group Stage , World Cup 4 - DNQ , World Cup 3 - Quarter Final , World Cup 2 - Silver Medal , World Cup 1 - DNQ .
Germany - The peak of Germany was the seasons 4 and 5 , with 2 medals. : World Cup 11 - Quarter Final , World Cup 10 - DNQ , World Cup 9 - Quarter Final , World Cup 8 - DNQ , World Cup 7 - Group Stage , World Cup 6 - Quarter Final , World Cup 5 - World Champions , World Cup 4 - Bronze Medal , World Cup 3 - DNQ , World Cup 2 - DNQ , World Cup 1 - Bronze Medal .
Russia - Only a bronze medal for Russia , but they are always on the top or near : World Cup 11 - Group Stage , World Cup 10 - Quarter Final , World Cup 9 - DNQ , World Cup 8 - Bronze Medal , World Cup 7 - Quarter Final , World Cup 6 - Group Stage , World Cup 5 - Quarter Final , World Cup 4 - Quarter Final , World Cup 3 - Bronze Medal , World Cup 2 - Group Stage , World Cup 1 - Group Stage .
Romania - Never in theyr history Romania succed to reach the play-offs : World Cup 11 - Group Stage , World Cup 10 - DNQ , World Cup 9 - DNQ , World Cup 8 - Group Stage , World Cup 7 - DNQ , World Cup 6 - Group Stage , World Cup 5 - DNQ , World Cup 4 - DNQ , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - Group Stage , World Cup 1 - Group Stage .
Serbia - Once upon a time a fearfull team , but the time is not lost : World Cup 11 - DNQ , World Cup 10 - Group Stage , World Cup 9 - DNQ , World Cup 8 - Group Stage , World Cup 7 - Group Stage , World Cup 6 - World Champions , World Cup 5 - Bronze Medal , World Cup 4 - DNQ , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - Group Stage , World Cup 1 - Quarter Final .
United Kingdom - Just the biggest team in GI World.5 times World Champions : World Cup 11 - DNQ , World Cup 10 - World Champions , World Cup 9 - World Champions , World Cup 8 - World Champions , World Cup 7 - World Champions , World Cup 6 - Quarter Final , World Cup 5 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 4 - Didn't qualify , World Cup 3 - Quarter Final , World Cup 2 - World Champions , World Cup 1 - 4th place .
Norway - After 2 edition when they missed the World Cup , Norway has return : World Cup 11 - DNQ , World Cup 10 - DNQ , World Cup 9 - Group Stage , World Cup 8 - DNQ , World Cup 7 - Group Stage , World Cup 6 - Quarter Final , World Cup 5 - DNQ , World Cup 4 - DNQ , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - Group Stage , World Cup 1 - DNQ .
France - Very close to a new medal 3 years ago and after 2 years when they watch the World Cup at Tv , France is back : World Cup 11 - DNQ , World Cup 10 - DNQ , World Cup 9 - 4th place , World Cup 8 - Group Stage , World Cup 7 - Group Stage , World Cup 6 - Silver Medal , World Cup 5 - Group Stage , World Cup 4 - DNQ , World Cup 3 - Group Stage , World Cup 2 - Group Stage , World Cup 1 - Group Stage .

See you tomorrow.Last edited on 2014-11-25 at 21:36
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