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World Cup Magazine
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Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-10-11 20:33:47
World Cup XII - # 1

Another season of the World Cup is about to start and it's normal to have a look at all teams that will seek a spot for the World Cup 12 Final Tournament.Last season was a season of surprises.First was the absents of many great and powerfull teams.Maybe the biggest name was the 5 time World Champion , United Kingdom , as they have been knockout early in the qualification group.Other teams that missed the last World Cup: Brazil-World Cup 10 - Semi-finalist , Netherland - 2 times medalist , Denmark - 3 times medalist , Serbia - World Cup 6 - Champion , Hungary - World Cup 9 - Silver Medalist , France - World Cup 6 - Silver Medalist . Looking forward to this year qualification and see what teams have improved and what teams suprise us.Ans now let see the 8 qualification groups.

P.S. - Good to be back.

Group A

Denmark , Italy , Czech Republic and Croatia.A group 100% european with 2 teams that are always a tought team to face , Denmark and Italy.They've meet again in the same qualication group .Last year Italy win the group and Denmark finished in 3rd place after Austria on the point difference.Czech Republic doesn't have a good period after the last year first half qualication when it was 3-1 , they finished 3-5 and 4th in a group of 5.Croatia is the Weekest team in this group last year win only 2 games from 8.

Top Prediction : 1-Italy 2-Denmark 3-Czech Republic 4-Croatia

Group B

Poland , Switzerland , New Zeeland , Sweden and Columbia.3 teams from Europe , 1 from Australia and 1 from South America.Tough group here were 3 big teams fight for 2 place for the World Cup.We've got the triangle between Poland , Sweitzerland and New Zeeland.They meet last year in the World Cup Group A , and the split the victory: Poland win over both teams , Switzerland loss in front of both but win the World Cup ( A good deal ) and New Zeeland lose in front of Poland but managed to beat the future World Champion.Lot of revenge to get from last year and we look forward to see who will conquer the first two places of the group.Sweden is a young and enthusiastic team but i think this group is a bit too high for they.Columbia still need a better and powerfull roster.

Top Prediction : 1-Poland 2-Switzerland 3-New Zeeland 4-Sweden 5-Columbia

Group C

Argentina , Australia , Austria and Slovakia.The death group of this year qualification.Every team has theyr chance to win the group or to be out of the World Cup.We've got 4 teams that last year was on the World Cup but this year only 2 can reach that.On top of that , the silver and bronze medalist from last year will clash on this group.Don't we forget about Austria and Slovakia as they are a small but tough team to face on any day.No matter which teams will qualify , this group matches promise to show some exceting results.

Top Prediction : 1-Australia 2-Argentina 3-Slovakia 4-Austria

Group D

Netherlands , Brazil , Finland , Ireland and Bulgaria.4 teams + Bulgaria.Sorry for my southern neighbours but they are still to small to fight for a qualifing spot.The point favorite of the group , Netherland , have a weak period and the result prove this.Last year only managed to win 3 matches out of 8.Last year Brazil haved missed the "strong fist" of Kagemusha and they watch the World Cup from TV.Maybe this year will be different.The dictatorship of whitenekke not reached the end as he take another year the Head-Coach position for the National Team.It looks great every time his national team step up to the field.The small team neam United Kingdom looks to shine again.Last year only the lack of concentration and stamina missed from them.

Top Prediction : 1-Finland 2- Netherland 3-Brazil 4-Ireland 5-Bulgaria

Group E

Germany , Spain , Portugal , Belgium , Turkey.All five teams are from Europe.On the official rankings , Germany and Spain are over Portugal , but the last team reached the final play-offs last year and only fatigue make them to finish in 4th.Most of the people will bet on 2 from 3 teams to qualify out from this group.Belgium are an enthusiastic team and with a new manager this year could be the nice surprise.Turkey is better and better every year.Those players are like the wine:as they get older , they get better.Group E could surprise us.

Top Prediction : 1-Portugal 2-Germany 3-Spain 4-Turkey 5-Belgium

Group F

Russia , Canada , Romania , Slovenia.Two favorites teams in this group , one can issue some problems and one that for the moment look to be the weekest team in the group.Russia , Canada and Romania all with the last year coaches and surprise from Slovenia as they named Phiba , Head-Coach for this year.Looking forward for the matches that will decided who has true inspiration in read out his opponets.

Top Prediction : 1-Russia 2-Canada 3-Romania 4-Slovenia

Group G

United Kingdom , Serbia , Hungary , Ukraine and Bosnia & Herzegovina.After last year it would think that multiple world champion to revive with a new force as they have a new manager.Serbia has a weak period and they miss from the last World Cup after Finland and Argentina defeat them.Hungary had a bad luck last year aster the "mexican stand-off" with USA and Spain and hopes that this year will qualify.Ukraine and Bosnia will fight for the 4th place of the group as they for the moment had no chance to be any high in the group.

Top Prediction : 1-United kingdom 2-Hungary 3-Serbia 4-Ukraine 5-Bosnia & Herzegovina

Group H

USA , France , Norway and Mexico.2 european teams , 1 north american and 1 south american.United States have again a easy mission as they roster of players is huge and powerfull.France will try to get back at the World Cup after last year were they lose both in Australia and Russia.Norway still struggling to make a competitive and consistence team.From last year result is seems that are close.Mexico could make a suprise but it will be necesary a few good days for the mexican players.Could we have a pricipal favorite and 3 teams that are fighting for the 2nd place ? Or we could get 2 suprise.Will see.

Top Prediction : 1-USA 2-France 3-Mexico 4-Norway

That is all for today.I just want to say good luck to every new Coach of nationals teams and congrats to all realected coaches.May it be a good year and the best team win

See you tomorrow
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-10-11 20:42:18
World Cup XII - #2

Group A

Denmark has a new manager."Lamey" take the lead from "SrednaD" and the national team has a new breath.Croatia like the last year it's lead by the same "Hedda".They hope for a better season than last year,but it would be hard.Today , the scandinavian team , with a consistence performance , win the game at a confortable difference.
Denmark 49 - 24 Croatia

Here we have two nations with a new staff for both of them.Italy under de lead of "ercit" and Czech Republic this year lead by "MIREK 70".Being among the favorites last year and failed to reach the Final Play-Offs , Italy try to go all the way this year and start the campaing with a crushing victory over Czech Republic.Good offence , good defence and all teams hope to avoid Italy.For the Czech's , remains only the option to beat the other 2 teams of the group , in order to qualify .
Italy 56 - 28 Czech Republic

Group B

Let's start this with a little "Then and Now" for New Zeeland NT.Then was "Phiba" and New Zeeland stopped in World Cup Main Groups.Now is "RockySolo" and he hope to lead the team much higher than last year.Sweden and her beloved "Marcus" try this year what they failed last year , where there only inches away from World Cup.Today's match was a weak/decent game for both teams.Both teams struggle to get near the Red-Zone.5 TD for both , difference being made at FG , 1 for Sweden and 2 for New Zeeland.Last points of the game have been obtained by the New Zeeland in the last 5 seconds of the game .
Sweden 38 - 41 New Zeeland

The man who lead the Swiss to the World Cup Title , "thymallus" , try to defend theyr title this year.One of the last year pre-favorites for the Gold Medal , Poland and "osinho" try to do this year what they failed last year.Two teams that meet also last year in the main groups when Poland win the game.Today the World Champion took theyr revenge and win the game after a bad start for Poland who tried to re-enter in game but it was to late .
Switzerland 45 - 41 Poland

Group C

New managers for both National Teams.After the first medal in theyr history , Australia chose "Daudy" to continue the good work of "projectracing" and go for the Gold this year.Austria changed also his manager and elected "speedcoremo" for this year.The first game of this qualification , was a game of good defence.Australia with a pass game and Austria with a rushing game neutralized himself perfectly.Only 5 TD with a + for the australians and the first victory of the season .
Australia 21 - 14 Austria

The bronze medalist from last year chose to rise even higher this season the same coach from last year,"matiashidalgo".He need to defend those points won from last year.Slovakia and her Head-Coach from last year make good team this year too.I think that "Hadar" is impatient to reach the World Cup quarter-final.Very good game for both teams today , as after the 1st half the score was tie at 28.In the second half , the european team rise theyr game a little bit and with 2 TD more than theyr opponents , win the game and make , i think the biggest surprise from today's matches .
Argentina 49 - 63 Slovakia

Group D

The same managers for both teams.2 managers respected and experienced of the Grid-Iron World."Stout" for the Netherland and "whitenekke" for Finland.Lack of ideas in offence for the Netherland as they scored only 14 points.Finland took advantage of that to win by a good margin and take a big step in direction of the next World Cup .
Netherland 14 - 42 Finland

Brazil return under the Italian leadership , as 2 season ago , "kagemusha" lead the team almost at the medals.This season , "Andy Logan" will try at least lead the team in the first 16 teams of the season."MuaMoTo" and the bulgarian team will try again to win some matches but they have a very hard job to do in this group.With no need for much effort , Brazil beat Bulgaria and they wait for next week match against Netherland , as that match will be a little bit harder .
Brazil 49 - 28 Bulgaria

Group E

Fresh blood and a new beginings for Spain this season."Francisco Javier" take the position for the spanish team.Vidic is the old and new NT Manager and try to qualify the team again at World Cup.Low scoring game today.After a first quarter with no TD , both team managed to score with a slight advantage for Spain as they win the game by a TD .
Spain 21 - 14 Belgium

"Kinyas decide to take another try at the Head-Coach position and get elected for another year.Turkish team look pretty good last year , let see how they do this year.Surprise at the Germany NT , as an very respected coach , decided to comeback at the national team."13_tom_13" is the new coach of Germany for this season , and i think Germany should be considered a Favorite for this year gold medal.In today's game we had also a debut on the QB starter of Germany , and he done a good job , as Germany wins and get the first place of the group. .
Turkey 3 - 28 Germany

Group F

"Cippolino" boys are back.Russia NT has the same HC as last year and hope to qualify again for the World Cup.Again with a new and exported Head-Coach in the person of "Phiba" , Slovenia try to make a good and solid roster but it is very hard.Good start for Slovenia (14-7) after 1st quarter but lack of stamina killed theyr chance of a win.Russia with a good and somewhere expected victory and atleast for a few hours they are first in Group F.
Russia 45 - 28 Slovenia

Here we have same managers for both teams."cityboy_95" for the white and red team , Canada , and "Moran20" for the Romania NT.Both teams reach the World Cup groups last year and be sure that they want more this year.After a disastrous start for the romanian , when the scorebord shown a ruthless 21-0 for Canada , Romania defence wake up , the offence step up a little and they were able to return the score to 28-21.At the final whistle , scorebord shown 35-28 for the first victory of the season for Romania .
Canada 28 - 35 Romania

Group G

After the nightmare campaign from last year , this year job to win the Gold Medal once again goes to "Micky G".He hopes to get at least a medal because the first place in official ranking for Uk , is in danger.Serbia also went for another manager and his name is "requiem".He replaced "nenad" who didn't rise as the serbian people hoped.Good match between the two teams as they fight for every inch of the field.Better team for the UK and they win the game by 7 points difference .
United Kingdom 35 - 28 Serbia

Ukraine has a new leader after "luke" , this year "keane" will try to build a team for the World Cup.Last year was "Abcat" who tries to lift the Bosnian NT , this year dannish manager "SrednaD" will give it a try.After a 7-0 lead for Ukraine , the east-european team collapse and Balkan team took controled of the game for a suprise win , in my oppinion.Could Bosnia be the nice surprise from this year ?
Ukraine 7 - 35 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Group H

Mexic has the same coach from last year in the person of "Mandrake" and he will try to do better than the last year where with a bit of luck they've could qualify for the World Cup.France NT , last year didn't qualify for the World Cup , being past by Australia and Russia.This year "LevelOne" will try to lead the NT for a new World Cup.In this match , France defence was in a good day and the Mexico NT couldn't score too many points.The offence for both teams has been a bit asleep but it all been good for France .
Mexico 31 - 56 France

A new coach for the USA NT and another try for them to win again the World Cup Gold Medal."JoeBlocho44" will be responsible this year for the NT faith."Dan Marino" will give another try for the Norway NT.Suprise result but with BOT offence and defence for USA , the result doesn't seem to be that absurd.Maybe it was an onest mistake from the american manager or the game play a joke on them.We'll never know .
USA 7 - 63 Norway

Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-10-11 20:48:51
World Cup XII - #3

Group A

After week 1 when Denmark win over Croatia , the vital match for the 2nd place of the group came , unfortunatly for the dannish people , Czech Republic bounce back after the loss against Italy and crushed Denmark.Good offence for Czech's , on the other side disastrous offence for Denmark and the central europe team re-entered in the battle for one of that 2 place of the group for the World Cup.
Czech Republic 56 - 21 Denmark

Unbalanced match in Croatia , between local team and Italy , but the host team done a good job limiting the proportions of the score.Italy controled the game from start to end , even that in the last quarter the score was 0-0 , i think that they just play easy for the next week match .
Croatia 28 - 49 Italy

Group B

Poland needed a win after last week defeat against the World Cup Champions , Switzerland , and what a better opponent than Columbia(no offence for them).Good offence and a great defence for the european team and Poland got theyr first victory in this season .
Poland 49 - 23 Columbia

Now being the new World Cup Champions , every team is in the pursuit of Switzerland , triyng to beat them and prove that they are only humans not machines.Last week Poland was close to do that but the gold medalist , survive it.This week Sweden , with the last match in mind when they've lost at the last play of the game , they managed to beat the World Champions and make the Group B a little bit interesting .
Switzerland 42 - 49 Sweden

Group C

Big game in Slovakia , where the local team meet the silver medalist from last year and the people were expected a nice show from both teams , and they received it.A nightmare start for Slovakia and the aussie lead by 17 after 1st quarter.The rest of the match was pretty much the same from there and Australia got theyr 2nd win of the season and the 1st place in Group C.For the european team looks like silver is a bit too far , after last week when they beat the bronze medalist .
Slovakia 38 - 66 Australia

After a first week defeat for both teams , Austria and Argentina fight for the first victory of the season and the chance to still have faith for a World Cup spot.Austria again with a DE missing from theyr defence but not very much points allowed , and an argentian defence very good the game ended with a 21 points difference in favor of the south-americans .
Austria 3 - 24 Argentina

Group D

After a bye week , last time , Ireland played the first match of the season , in Bulgaria , against a young and exciting but unexperienced team.Difference from the scorebord was made in the 2nd quarter when the irish boys scored twice and the balkans team didn't score at all.Bulgaria still waits for the second victory in the history.Ireland has entered in the fight for the second place of the group .
Bulgaria 24 - 49 Ireland

Brazil host the second game at home , and Netherland after a 7 hour flight , you think they be exausted and lose the game , but they have another thing in theyr mind.After a first win against Bulgaria in first week , and a good start in today's match , Brazil have been defeated by a very good defence of the Netherland in the second half.They allowed only 10 points and scored 21 , for the first victory of the season and still the chance to fight for the two places that qualifys to World Cup. .
Brazil 38 - 42 Netherlands

Group E

First game of the season for Portugal but a sad game after today's lose against Germany.With a experience coach on the Head-Coach position , the germans look very strong this year and could be considered among the favorites for a medal.Portugal still have chance to rise from this lost , as they have 7 matches to prove what forces they have in the team .
Germany 56 - 28 Portugal

Spain travelled all the way to Turkey for this week match.They continue the poor but lucky form , cause today they win the game by a FG made in the 2nd quarter.After being crushed last week by Germany , turkish boys hoped that this week they win the game against Spain but the Fortune God was on the Spanish side today .
Turkey 35 - 38 Spain

Group F

Last week 35-28 for the first win of the season for Romania.Week 2 , 35-28 for the second victory of the season and the beautiful dreams continues for the romanians,but luck may be on a low level.After a easy win in the first week against Slovenia , Russia offence made a terrible game today , on top of that , russian QB trows 4 interceptions.Maybe next week he will be in a better form.Romania is the new leader of the group , Russia just behind them.
Romania 35 - 28 Russia

Terrible start of the game for Canada , in today's match , cause after the 1st half the scorebord shows a incredible 35-7 for Slovenia.The canadian try to rise again in the 2nd half but it was to late as Slovenia offence remainded at a high level.Slovenia learn from last week mistakes , when they was so close to beat Russia.With the victory of the Slovenia today , all 4 teams must fight for theyr place at the World Cup .
Slovenia - Canada

Group G

Could be one of that years ??? Looks like United Kingdom fiind again the motivation and streght to demolished every opponents and win every game.42-0 after the 1st half in the match against Ukraine for the UK and they've got the second win of the season and looks pretty good this season.Ukraine seems to be on the buttom of the Earth .
United Kingdom 56 - 14 Ukraine

Monster win for Serbia today , and they look very good after 2 matches.Last week they've done honorable against United Kingdom and today demolished an experienced and talented Hungary.Offence has been on high field and defence very good with 2 interceptions for a win at 35 points difference.First match this season for Hungary and already a loss , but it is still time .
Serbia 70 - 35 Hungary

Group H

France 1-0 , USA 0-1 and only one option for the americans as they've been BOT last week.Two team that splits the game and goes into overtime.USA win the toss and also the game but the team game is not looking good.For France is not all lost.They have 2 games against Norway and if they win it they are sure of theyr spot in the World Cup .
France 49 - 55 USA

Norway with an incredible undefeat season so far after 2 games against north-american teams:USA and Mexico.To be onest last week was pretty easy as USA being BOT both offence and defence.Today was a good game from both teams but lack of inspiration for the Mexico team lead to a win from the Scandinavian team.Let's see next week duel between France and Norway .
Norway 42 - 24 Mexico

Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-10-11 20:52:59
World Cup XII - #4

Group A

Crushing victory of Italy today against Denmark as the danish continue th poor form from last week.Italian QB trows 8 TD today and with a PCT of 63.6 % , he brought the 3rd victory of the season.For Denmark is the 2nd loss from 3 matches and they need to realy pick up theyr game if they want to qualify .
Italy 56 - 21 Denmark

Surprising result at half time in Croatia , between local team and Czech Republic , as the scorebord show a 14-7 for Croatia.Great 3rd quarter for czechs , with 2 TD for and none received they managed to win the game with a difference of 2 TD.Croatia remain without victory this season.For Czech Republic is the 2nd victory of the season and next week will be the hardest game of the group against Italy .
Croatia 21 - 35 Czech Republic

Group B

Sweden defence was a bit asleep in the start of the match so the polish team could score 2 TD without get any and they got an early lead.Sweden wake up in the 2nd and 3rd quarter but Poland is a strong team and coudn't be surprised like this and they win with a confortable difference.Poland with 2-1 still with chance for the first place and with a bye week , waiting for the duel versus New zeeland.Sweden coudn't make another surprise and remain with only a victory .
Poland 41 - 28 Sweden

Almost a surprise late in the night from Columbia.South americans push the game agaist New Zeeland in overtime , but even with the win of toss , the New Zeeland defence make theyr jobs and stop the columbian offence.New Zeeland offence was cold blooded and took the chance to win the game.Perfect season for New Zeeland as they are 2-0 after close wins over Sweden and Columbia.It seems that for Columbia it will be another 0 W season , unfortunately for them .
Columbia 63 - 69 New Zeeland

Group C

First defeat for the australians and also on the home field.Argentina after a long flight managed to concentrate and do a good job defeating the silver medalist from last year.Weak day for the aussie QB and also a modest day for argetinian QB.Could say , one on the other , weak day for both teams , at overall.Australia with a 2-1 record this season and Argentina also with this record.Australia first , Argentina second place .
Australia 14 - 31 Argentina

Slovakia bounce back after the loss from last week and win against a weak side from Austria , as the austrians are 0-3 this season and seems that they have no chance to qualify this year for World Cup.Slovakian offence have fun in the field as the austria defence was missing again a DE and also this week they've missed a MLB and the score wasn't a pretty one for them.With this victory , Slovakia are 2-1 this season and they fight with Australia and Argentina for 2 place in the next World Cup. .
Slovakia 42 - 17 Austria

Group D

A little surprise today in Ireland ,when the local team beat the experienced Finland side.Looks like the irish want with all they hearts to reach the World Cup , this year.Decent offence for both teams , but an excenlent defence for Ireland , with 16 tackles.Finland are 1-1 but they up next against Brazil and Bulgary and could be on top very soon.Ireland are undefeated and looking very good this year .
Ireland 35 - 24 Finland

Netherland with a easy win over Bulgaria , sadly for the bulgarians but they are young and unexprienced this season , they need couple of season to work on theyr skills and experience and with the heart of MuaMoto they could reach the stars.Decent game for both teams.Neherland with the second win of the season and waiting for the match against the group leader , Ireland.Bulgaria are 0-3 but they have all the time in the world to obtain at least 1 victory .
Bulgaria 20 - 35 Netherland

Group E

Monster game in Germany today.Rematch between Germany and Spain after the duel from last World Cup when the germans wins and qualify for the quarter-final , today Spain get theyr revenge and win the game with a difference of 4 poinst.I don't know what could i say after a game like this.The result speak for itself.First defeat for Germany this season , as the spanish boys are undefeated. .
Germany 59 - 63 Spain

Running offence for Belgium , and crushing defence from Portugal with 44 tackles.After a first defeat in the first week , Portugal earned the 1st victory of the season.1-1 for the portuguese side and still chances to earn a spot for the World Cup.Belgia 0-2 after 2 matches and seems that this season is just like the last one .
Portugal 59 - 21 Belgium

Group F

Lady luck still remained with the romanian boys , and bring them another victory , 3rd of the season.Today in Slovenia , they win with a TD scored in the last quarter , but the tought job was on the defence , as they didn't allowed any points in the 4th quarter.Slovenia after a nice win over Canada last week , they keep theyr heads up this week and they played a very good match , but luck was on the other side of the field and they have to work harder and qualify for the World Cup.Romania leaders of the Group F with 3 victory from 3 matches.Slovenia on the 3rd place behind Russia .
Slovenia 42 - 49 Romania

Dezastruos start of season for Canada.After 3 matches they are last in Group F , and it seems that World Cup 12 is going farther and farther.They need to be perfect to hope at least for the second place of the group.Russia after a loss , last week in Romania , they get the 2nd win of the season and they are 2nd in the Group F.For the russians will be a very important match next week , as they meet Slovenia and to be a little sure of the 2nd place , they must win or Slovenia will come closer and will have a fight for one place .
Canada 35 - 42 Russia

Group G

With the last week victory against Ukraine in theyr heads , bosnian players travel to Hungary to check the 2nd victory of the season , but hungarians had another plan.With a QB in a superb form and an agressive defence they crushed theyr opponents and get the first victory of the season.After this match both teams are 1-1 after 2 matches and they are neighbours in the group table .
Hungary 56 - 24 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Looks like Ukraine will be the "Cinderella" of the Group G , after the 3rd defeat of the season from 3 matches.The serbian side looks pretty good this year.After a small difference loss agaist UK they crushed Hungary and Ukraine for the 2nd place of the Group G.For them will be a bye week and Ukraine will host the match agaist Hungary .
Serbia 49 - 7 Ukraine

Group H

Undefeated after 2 matches , Norway hoped that they could continue the good form against France , and they were pretty close , but France win the toss and after 2 plays win the game in overtime.After a defeat last week against USA , also in the overtime , the french side was a bit afraid that the same thing could happened today but the GODS was with them today.We have 3 teams with 2-1 record with a slight advantage for Norway after the BOT win over USA in week 1 .
Norway 56 - 62 France

After a few weeks of anxiety in the USA side , looks like they calm things down and fiind a good rithym and ride to a new World Cup.Derby with 2 north american teams , with a team in control from the start of the game , USA have a easy game , as Mexico looks sentenced to a 0 W group.USA need to beat Norway and France to be sure that they will be at the World Cup.For Mexico it seems that it is a bit to late to change something .
Mexico 28 - 52 USA

Not to forget about USA NT Coach - joeblocho44 - Who has to take the biggest battle of all - Fight for his life . Our prayers goes for him to have streght and will to win this fight and live a happy and long life.Our thoughts are with you, Joe
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-10-11 20:55:31
World Cup XII - #5

Group A

After a good 1st half when czech players , where in the lead , the italians wake up and crushed them in the 3rd and 4th quarter.5 TD for Italy , none for Czech Republic for the 4th victoryof the season and now the first team to qualify for the World Cup 12.Next week Italy vs Croatia and the Czech Republic must concentrate as the vital match for qualifing round is up to them .
Czech Republic 21 - 49 Italy

Massive score in Croatia , as the locals meet Denmark.1st , 2nd and 4th quarter perfect score between those 2.The difference was made in the 3rd quarter when Denmark scored 3TD and Croatia only scored 2TD.Better stats for Demmark lead they to another victory and an important one , as they meet next week Czech Republic for a place at World Cup.For Croatia is still a season with no victory.Maybe next week against Italy will be better .
Croatia 70 - 77 Denmark

Group B

After a bye week , last time , Swtizterland gathered theyr forces and early in the morning , after a long trip to New Zeeland , managed to beat the leaders of the group.After a good offence and a decent defence they got the 2nd win of the season and next week is a easy week for them.For the New Zeeland , after a pretty close victory last weeek , the dizaster stroke and they are no more undeafeated.Tought game for them next week , as Poland visit them .
New Zeeland 17 - 35 Switzerland

A very good defence from Sweden today , as they allowed only 13 points , for a easy and confotable win.14 tackles and 3 sacks and they are 2-2 this season and still in the battle for qualifing places.Columbia are now 0-3 and with this kind of offence they are in danger to finish with no victory this season.Sweden next week stays and watch , for Columbia is a match against Switzerland in South America .
Sweden 38 - 13 Columbia

Group C

Another good game from Slovakia , and the 3rd win of the season , 2nd against Argentina.1st half was perfect for the slovakians as they score 4 TD and allowed only a FG.Argentina try to bounce back in the second quarter , but it was a bit late.Reassuring win for Slovakia and they are 3-1 , leaders of the Group C and 1st chance to qualify from this group.Up next a match against Australia.For Argentina is 2-2 and very little chance to qualify but not none .
Slovakia 42- 24 Argentina

Duel between an european team and an australian team , as the aussie fly over to Europe.BOT defence for Australia and the offence couldn't keep up very high , score only 49 points.Austria took the chance and win the first game of the season.Australia is 2-2 and still have chance to qualify.Austria is now 1-3 and need to be perfect to at least hope for a place at the World Cup .
Austria 63 - 49 Australia

Group D

It looks like is a bad season for Finland as they get the 2nd defeat of the season.Today is was the Brazil's turn to took advantage of poor form of Finland.After a good start from Finland , Brazil get stronger and win nice and easy a tought game.After a first defeat in week 1 , Brazil are 2-1 and look pretty good for a spot at the World Cup.Up next is the leaders of the group , Ireland.For Finland looks like an easy week , against Bulgaria , but nobody knows what will be .
Finland 35 - 45 Brazil

Nice surprise of the group , is Ireland who is perfect after 3 matches.Today is Netherland , they win after a very good match from both teams.Good offence for both , but a very good defence for Ireland with 19 tackles.Ireland close to a perfect half a season , next is Brazil.Netherland with a 2-2 after 4 matches , but with good chances for the rest of the season .
Netherland 49 - 59 Ireland

Group E

Derby between two neighbours today in Spain , between local team and Portugal.Spain came on to the field with the only thought to extend the winning streak at 4.Portugal already with a loss this season , need to be very carefull if they want to reach again the World Cup.But Spain is looking very good this season and this thing was shown today on the field with a perfect offence and a good defence , win the game by a TD difference.They are PERFECT and have a bye week.Portugal is visited by Turkey next week and hope to bounce back with a win .
Spain 56 - 49 Portugal

Duel between the only teams without a victory , out of the Group E.Belgium and Turkey clash today , each hope to avoid the last place of the group.Good start for Turkey but they tired quickly and in the end , the scorebord show a TD difference in the favor of Belgium.This is the first victory of the season for them , from 3 matches and they host Germany next week.For Turkey is 0-3 this season and with this group , i think they have to wait for the 2nd match against Belgium for a chance to win a game thist season .
Belgium 35 - 28 Turkey

Group F

The perfect season of Romania is over as they've been defeated today , by Canada.The canadians after a dezastruos first half season , rise and win the first game of the season.Slight chance for them to reach the World Cup , and i think they don't give up just yet.Romania after today's game falls to the 2nd spot of the group.Canada will climb a spot to 3rd.Next week Russia vs Romania and Canada vs Slovenia .
Romania 28 - 42 Canada

Russia is now 3-1 and the new leaders of the Group F , after today's victory against Slovenia.With a massive defence and a very good offence they lead the game from start to end.Slovenia after a surprising win over Canada in week 2 they fall down a bit and they are now 1-3 and with very little chance to qualify.Next week is a chance for Russia to get theyr revange over Romania and for the Slovenia to win again against Canada .
Slovenia 28 - 38 Russia

Group G

Dezastruos 2nd quarter for Ukraine today , as hungarians scored 3TD and received none.The ukrainians try to recover in the 4th quarter but it was to late.Ukraine is still without victory and has a bye week next week.Hungary is 2-1 now and next week will meet United Kingdom. .
Ukraine 42 - 56 Hungary

Great game today is Bosnia , where Bosnia and United Kingdom give us a show of great defence and pretty good offence.They split over the quarter and in the end the UK got the 3rd victory from 3 matches and are on theyr way to a new World Cup.Bosnia after a first week victory they've been defeat twice and are now 1-2 but they still have a slight chance to qualify for World Cup.Next week UK travel to Hungary and Bosnia host Serbia .
Bosnia & Herzegovina 21 - 35 United Kingdom

Group H

USA team flew to Norway with the revenge in theyr heads , but unfortunately on the Oslo airport the OL step up wrong and broke his leag.Without the Head-Coach at the game , the team thought that they could have some fun and experience a little on the offence , but they were wrong.Norway crushed them and got the 2nd victory against them this season.Norway are 3-1 this season and will play next week against Columbia.USA are 2-2 and will receive next week , France .
Norway 45 - 0 USA

14-14 on the first quarter and no panic.Then it came the 2nd quarter , when the mexicans heard about the result from Norway and try to help theyr neighbours and scored 3 times without receiving any.The french people take a deep breath and get up from the locker room with new stamina and will.35-10 in the second half for France and they are 3-1 and next week they fly all over United States and hopes to get theyr revenge after last defeat in overtime.Mexico play against Norway next week and after today's game the europeans must be afraid .
France 49 - 45 Mexico

Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-10-18 9:35:11
World Cup WII - #6

Group A

I think that after today's match between Denmark and Czech Republic , we know the 2nd team after Italy that will go to World Cup.After a defeat against Italy last week , the Czech's motivate themselves and win the decisive match against a Danish team , in poor form this season.They remain only with 2 victory this season , both against Croatia , who isn't a very strong team.It looks like they need a miracle next week when they meet Italy , as Czech Republic meet Croatia .
Denmark 28 - 42 Czech Republic

Maybe is the year when Italy could win one of the first two medals of the World Cup.So far they are perfect and the most powerfull team with the best offence and defence.Today they crushed again an unlucky Croatian side.Maybe this year all the unlucky from last years will comeback as luck and the italians win the most desirable title.Not a very shine day for the Italian QB but a encelent defence lead to a new crushing victory.They secured the 1st place in Group A and after the other match of the group it looks like the Czech Repubblic will be the 2nd .
Italy 56 - 28 Croatia

Group B

Close game , yearly in the morning , as New Zeeland host an european team , Poland.Here we've got two different teams.After a very good start , with 2 victory in 2 games , New Zeeland has now 2 loss in a row and they are 4th in the Group B.On the other side , we've got Poland , as after the first game , when they traved to the World Champions and lost , they win 3 consecutive matches and climb to a very good 2nd place.But all in one , after half of the games , we have 4 teams battle for 2 places , as Sweden and New Zeeland have a 2-2 record and no teams are undefeated .
New Zeeland 24 - 28 Poland

The World Champions shown once again , that they are still strong.To be onest , Columbia this year , isn't a very good team , but a win is a win , and Switzerland controled the game from start to end and got theyr 3rd victory of the season and the 1st place of the Group.I think that for Columbia will be a very bad season as maybe they will finish without victory.Next week we have Switzerland trevel to Poland and Sweden goes all the way to New Zeeland , as Columbia has a BYE week .
Columbia 21 -56 Switzerland

Group C

After a long flight , to visit the beatifull AUstralia , Slovakia was forced to acknowledge that Australia is the better team for the moment.I think that they want badly to revenge that ugly defeat from the own field and they didn't concentrate enought to the game.Only a quarter they did a good inpresion and they've been crushed by an angry Australian side who last week was BOT defence.After this victory Australia is 1st , Argentina is 2nd and Slovakia is 3rd , all with 3-2 record .
Australia 56 - 28 Slovakia

Weak game for both teams in one of the last games of the day , today in Argentina.Weak Offence but a very good defence for both with a slight advantage for the argentinians as they have 3 picks.With this victory , Argentina ties Australia and Slovakia at the top of the table and wait for the decisive week.Will have 2 interesting duels.One in Argentina , when Australia tries to get the sweet revenge and qualify for the World Cup.The other is a clash between 2 european teams , Austria and Slovakia .
Argentina 42 - 31 Austria

Group D

Ireland was in the pursuit for a half a season perfection , when after 3 matches they where undefeated.Brazil on the other side , beat Finland and Bulguria and surprising loss to Netherland , they want to remain in the back of the leaders and have a additional chance to qualify for the World Cup.Ups and downs in today's match for both teams.After a equal 1st quarter , they split the game in half with a consistent advantage for Brazil , as they win with a 3 TD difference.We have a change in the leader place , as Brazil took Ireland down .
Ireland 35 - 56 Brazil

With a weak season from Finland , Bulgaria travel to Scandinavia with the toughts for a first win of the season , and they were very close.Close match between those 2 teams , when after 2 quarters there were only 10-7 for Finland.Good defence for both teams , but in the end the Finland QB woke up and pass for 3 TD in the last quarter for a 2nd win of the season and still a little chance to reach the World Cup 12.Next week we'll see , Bulgaria - Brazil and Finland - Netherland as Ireland has a BYE-WEEK .
Finland 31 - 7 Bulgaria

Group E

Lack of consistence for portuguese team , made that they are 2-2 after half of qualification , and have only a few chances to qualify for a new World Cup.For Turkey side , it looks like this season will be very bad , as they are 0-4 after 4 matches and they are out of the qualification.Maybe Portugal will rise and found the streght from last year , when they reach the medals play-off.They are 2-2 and 3rd in group , after Germany and the perfect Spain.Turkey is last in fight with Belgium for a higher spot .
Portugal 45 - 28 Turkey

We were close to a very big surprise today in Belgium , where the locals host the game against Germany , and they were close to get the 2nd win of the season.But the germans being a strong team this year , even with a bad defence today , they managed to win the game.Only a 4 point difference but they are pleased that they remained with only 1 defeat this season.Belgium need to continue on this road , cause is it the wright one.Next week we have Germany host Turkey and Spain travel to Belgium with a BYE week from Portugal .
Belgium 38 - 42 Germany

Group F

After 3-0 from the first matches , romanian boys took a brake from wining matches and lost 2 consecutive matches , blow up the chance to qualify for a new World Cup.They will have the decisive match against Slovenia , next week , but with the curent forn , i think we will have a very big surprise.Russia is the second team to qualify for the World Cup , after Italy.Very good performance today against a sleepy romanian team.They are 1st in Group F , followed close by Romania and with Slovenia not far away .
Russia 35 - 21 Romania

It looks like Slovenia is the "cryptonite" for Canada or that Phiba fiind the secret to beat them on every match.This was the second win of the season for Slovenia , both against Canada , but with this victory Slovenia could reach the World Cup.Canada has a dizastruos season , and seems that they have to watch on tv this edition of World Cup.Next week we have only a table match between Russia and Canada.The real fun is in Romania , as the romanians and Slovenia fight for a spot at the World Cup XII .
Canada 28 - 42 Slovenia

Group G

"I must have a deja-vu".That is what probably the hungarians are telling each other , as the last season seems to repeat.After a good performance today against the mighty United Kingdom , the game goes to overtime , where after a few attacks from both teams , UK win the game and they are perfect after 4 matches and could think of a new world title.For Hungary is the 2nd loss of the season , after the one against Serbia , but they still have chance to qualify.United Kingdom are leaders , followed by Serbia with 3-1 and Hungary with 2-2 .
Hungary 49 - 56 United Kingdom

Crushing defence combined with a good offence for a new serbian win , today in the Bosnia.Two rival teams , duel once again and after a very good start from Bosnia this season , i think they are tired and need a break very soon.After 4 matches they are 4th , beat only the Ukraine.For Serbia is a good season.They are 3-1 with loss only in front of UK , and be on the 2nd spot.Next week we have Serbia host Uk and Bosnia host Ukraine .
Bosnia & Herzegovina 28 - 42 Serbia

Group H

2 defeat against Norway , 2 victory against France and 1 against Mexico , is the USA record this season.They are in danger of losing the qualification for the World Cup this season , as the point difference isn't in theyr favor.For the french will follow a very important week , as they need a win against Norway to qualify for World Cup.USA needs exact the opposite thing to happen , France to lose against Norway.Next week we have USA vs Mexico and France vs Norway .
USA 42 - 35 France

Late in the night we've got the most low scoring game of the season.Poor offence and curios a very week defence from both teams.But at the end , the scorebord shown a 7 point win for Norway and they are at the World Cup XII.At the start of the season this thing was far away , but with a hand of luck and consistence they are trought and happy to be at the World Cup.For the mexicans is once agains a dizastruos season , as after 5 matches they are 0-5 and still have one more game against USA.After today the Group H look like this.1-Norway 2-France 3-USA 4-Mexico.That is a interesting picture .
Mexico 10 - 17 Norway
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-11-06 17:23:23
World Cup WII - #7

Group A

Last match of the season for Denmark and they have the chance to clear some of the bad impressions.In front of theyr supporters they let a mighty italian squad to demolish them once again and the season was ended in shame.Only 2 victorys in 6 matches for Denmark , and i think they need SrednaD once again for next season.Italy is equal "perfection" so far this season.Many people will bet some heavy money on them this season.Maybe they will succed this year , in the pursuit for the gold .
Denmark 21 - 49 Italy

Last week , the czech's beat Denmark and they were sure of theyr spot at this edition of World Cup.This week after a one week party , they step up on the own field and celebrate the qualification with theyr supporters.At the end of the game , the scoreboard shown a surprise score but noboby cares , as Italy and Czech Republic qualify for World Cup 12.Croatia is happy that they didn't finish the season without a win.This thing was the objective for this season and they are happy .
Czech Republic 28 - 41 Croatia

Group B

First match of the day , and what a start we have.High scoring game once again between New Zeeland and Sweden.After a lucky win from New Zeeland in the first match of the season , Sweden was looking for revenge and , man , what a win.Weak defence from both teams , but we can't have both good defence and majestic offence.It was the 9th minute of the game and Sweden appeared on the scoreboard with a FG , without any idea that this will be all they need to win the game .After this week we have Sweden on 3rd with 3-2 record and New Zeeland on 4th with 2-3.Next week Sweden host Switzerland and need only 2 more victories to qualify for World Cup.New Zeeland has a BYE week.
New Zeeland 49 - 52 Sweden

Poland fiind once again the streght to scary any team that play against them.After a first week defeat against the World Cup Champions , they have 4 consecutive wins and they are close to qualify once again for the World Cup.For the actual Champions , this is the 2nd defeat of the season and they have to fight hard for a chance to defend last year title.Good start of the game for both teams , the swiss continues pretty good but something clicked and they've been roll over by Poland , as they are leaders in Group B , after 5 matches with 4-1 record and they travel to Columbia next week.The Swiss are 2nd , with 3-2 and have a hard game next week in Sweden .
Poland 42 - 31 Switzerland

Group C

Hadar managed to lead Slovakia , once again to a World Cup Edition and i think the slovakian people are very happy.With some very good performance but a bit unconsistent , Slovakia got i think the 3rd consecutive qualification to a World Cup.Austria with a dezastruos season , and a record of 1-5.Is a bit tought for the austrians as last year they managed to qualify to World Cup.In this match Slovakia wins with a confotable difference by 4 TD as once again Austria run the ball and wasn't a good idea.Slovakia lead the game from start to end and claimed the 2nd place of the group.The season is over for Austria.For Slovakia will follow a prep period as they wait for the World Cup Main Groups. .
Austria 7 - 35 Slovakia

Decisive match for both of these teams as they both have 3 wins and 2 defeat after 5 matches.What a game it was.I think is safe to say , that this match was a true final , as both teams gave all they could.With a good start of the game , Argentina lead after the first quarter by 3TD , a it looks like they took a very good chance to win the game.But the aussie didn't agreed with they win the 2nd and 3rd quarter but lost the 4th and the game goes in overtime , for thrill to be even higher.Australia win the toss and after 6 plays , they called the kicker from the bench and win the game.First big sock of this year is the elimination of the last year bronze medalist.Australia will be once again at the World Cup .
Argentina 49 - 52 Australia

Group D

It seems like Netherland find a new source power that rivived the team players and they got the 3rd victory of the season and still got the chance to qualify for a new World Cup , after last year when the season ended after the qualifications.For Finland is exact the opposite as looks like they could miss out this edition of World Cup.They have only 2 victories this season and most important they have 3 defeats after 5 matches.Finland need a miracle but Netherland has theyr faith in the own hands.Next week Netherland play a crucial game against Brazil.Finland has a BYE week .
Finland 24 - 35 Netherland

The fifth game of the season for Bulgaria and sadly for them the 5 consecutive defeat of the season and the 13 in history with only 1 victory.They managed to keep a good rithim only in the 1st quarter but after that they collapse and scored only 2 TD after that.For Brazil it was a easy travel to Europe.And they are 4-1 after 5 matches and looks pretty good to reach once again the World Cup.After this win Brazil is leading the Group D.Ireland are last and still need much more experience to win another game.Next week we Bulgaria travel to Ireland and Brazil travel once again to Europe all the way to Netherland .
Bulgaria 21 - 59 Brazilia

Group E

After a hard trip to Belgium last week when they were allmost surprised by the host of that game , this week Germany got a much easier opponent and took advantage of that and win against Turkey.Close match between those two until the last quarter when Germany took a good advantage and win the game by a confortable difference and are one step closer to the World Cup , and this year they look pretty good.Turkey has a nightmare season , after the good season from last year , but this year they had a much tough group.Next week Germany travel to Portugal for a crucial game , Turkey host Spain .
Germany 52 - 35 Turkey

For Belgium the season is over , but after this year results they could have good hopes for the next years.In a tough group with Spain , Germany and Portugal they did an honorable job.On the other side of the field is Spain , which is the nice surprise of this year qualification , they are perfect with 5-0 and big chances to win the group and if they keep a high performance , could win a medal.Today the spanish boys have a little luck , with a win in overtime over Belgium , they even tied the game with allmost 1 minute remaining in the game , but the luck is on the side of the mighty all the time.Spain is the leader , follow by Germany , Portugal , Belgium and Turkey .
Belgium 31 - 37 Spain

Group F

After last season when they did an impossible thing and knockout United Kingdom early in the qualification for the World Cup , this year was a dizaster for Canada , as they finished 4th in a group with Russia , Romania and Slovenia.They finish only with a victory over Romania.Russia win the Group F , and they are on the train to World Cup XII.Today was a holiday game , as both teams know theyr place in the group .
Russia 49 - 31 Canada

At the start of the season Slovenia , shock the Grid-Iron World when Phiba decided to took the Head-Coach position and try to lead the team to a new World Cup.With a hesitating start , they good a little speed after the win over Canada and the hopes rise a bit.In the end they reach the last game of the group , with chances for the World Cup , and a decesive game against Romania.But romanian players after 2 very weak games , wokes up and reach for the 2nd year in a row the World Cup.Much respect to Phiba and his work as Slovenia NT Head-Coach .
Belgium 38 - 42 Germany

Group G

After first week , when those two teams played , the first game of the season , and United Kingdom win it in the overtime , Serbia looks pretty eager to get theyr revenge.And what a job they did today.After a weak start of the game from UK , or a very good start from Serbia , the game goes at only one result: United Kingdom first defeat of the season and Serbia sweet revenge.Both teams are 4-1 and they are fighting for the leaders place in the group.Next week we have Serbia travel to Hungary for a very important game and United Kingdom travels to Ukraine .
Serbia 56 - 42 United Kingdom

Sadly for the ukrainians theyr NT is one of the teams without victory this year and the rest of the season doesn't look good.For Bosnia today's victory was the second of the season and they need a lot of luck to qualify for the World Cup.Today was a flow result in the favor of Bosnia & Herzegovina as Ukraine is to weak this season.The table remains unchanged with Serbia and UK in the front , Hungary and Bosnia behind them and Ukraine last .
Bosnia & Herzegovina 35 - 7 Ukraine

Group H

After last year when United Kingdom , failed to qualify for the World Cup , this year the hopes that the 2 mighty teams will meet again at high level were pretty big.But the life is unfair sometime with the nice people , and it seems that we could't be any sadder , some news have this job.We still pray for joeblocho44 and his battle with a bad disease AND we want to remind to everyone that THIS IS JUST A GAME and HEALTH ALWAYS COME IN FIRST.GET WEEL SOON , JOE , WE ARE HERE .
USA 31 - 10 Mexico

Nothing to say here.France and Norway qualify for the World Cup .
France 56 - 42 Norway

Posts: 2645
Joined: 2013-04-18
Posted on 2014-11-06 21:28:46
Moran20 wrote:

World Cup WII - #7
Group C

Hadar managed to lead Slovakia , once again to a World Cup Edition and i think the slovakian people are very happy.With some very good performance but a bit unconsistent , Slovakia got i think the 3rd consecutive qualification to a World Cup.Austria with a dezastruos season , and a record of 1-5.Is a bit tought for the austrians as last year they managed to qualify to World Cup.In this match Slovakia wins with a confotable difference by 4 TD as once again Austria run the ball and wasn't a good idea.Slovakia lead the game from start to end and claimed the 2nd place of the group.The season is over for Austria.For Slovakia will follow a prep period as they wait for the World Cup Main Groups. .
Austria 7 - 35 Slovakia

Slovakia is qualify fourth time at the World Championships in a row
Excellent magazine Moran

Gatr22GI Supporter
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Joined: 2009-09-29
Posted on 2014-11-06 21:57:49
Moran, you are awesome

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It's Great To Be A Florida Gator

Posts: 1268
Posted on 2014-11-07 0:01:57
Thank you , sorry Hadar for that mistake.This past weeks i've been a little busy with some personal problems.This is the issue from 2 weeks ago.Tomorrow i will write the number from last week and on saturday i will write the number for tomorrow.

Cheers guys.
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