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World Cup Magazine
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Rocky Solo
Posts: 10669
Posted on 2015-08-24 21:29:40
great to have you back Moran
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-08-24 21:42:10
Gatr22 wrote:

This is great journalism:

Group D

I sent a employee of mine to cover the match between the Chech Republic and Russia.After the match , by the way the score was 21-17 for the host of the game , my employee tried to reach the manager of Czech Republic for a quick interview , but he was runnig all the way and keep screaming 6 and 0 , 6 and 0 , and something about "he is the law" and a bad word.My staff doesn't like him.If he did something like that after a victory , what he will do when Czech will lose the first game ?

Czech Republic 21 - 17 Russia

One person above us doesn't think that .
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-08-24 21:43:13
Rocky Solo wrote:

great to have you back Moran

Good to be back , one more time.Hope that i will be more present from now one , just like old times.
Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-08-25 16:15:36
World Cup XIV - #4

World Cup XIV - Knockout Phase - 18-20.08.2015 [b/]

After the group stage we will be heading to find out who will win this year medals at World Cup 14.After the group stage , remains only 8 teams.Not the great teams , cause after the group qualication teams like , Sweden , Slovakia , Hungary , Russia , Slovenia , New Zeeland , Romania and Switzerland stayed at home.And the surprises continues in the main groups when Germany , Denmark , Spain , Australia and Italy didn't qualify for the quarter final.Luck is always a powerfull weapon.Let's see who was more inspired this year.

Quarter Final

Bizzare result here in the first match.We have a much good team overall this year , and here i'm talking about France , who qualify from the group stage from the 1st position and on the other side we have Serbia , who came second both in the qualification group and the main group.In this match was the same thing.France was overall the better team , but somehow Serbia is the team that will fight for a medal this year.A PCT of almost 58% for the french QB in comparation with only 51% for the serbian.Defensivly was the same thing.More tackles and sacks for France.But the lady luck wanted the serbians in the quarter finals.Good luck to them.

France 35 - 42 Serbia

One of the only teams that could beat Poland this year , unfortunatly for them , it was USA , and they did that in this quarter final.Magistral PCT for the american QB who finish with 76%.Decent PCT for the polish QB.Defence was better from USA , with 13 tackle , 1 sack and one interception.Another group winner has been defeat by a 2nd place team after the group.Poland with a much harder group but this time , USA was too good for them.USA is back in the elite of the Grid Iron.Let's see if they will have another chance for that title.

Poland 42 - 63 USA

Tie game after one half of play between those two.Then in the 3rd quarter , Netherland scored twice and UK only once and the most prestige team in the Grid Iron was in danger to get knockout one more time and no chance for the Big Title one more time.But the 4th quarter was in theyr favor.With a little luck they are throw the quarter finals into de semifinals and with a chance for the medals.Maybe the UK defence was too good or maybe the netherland offence was to sleepy , but sure thing is that the luck was with UK.Better PCT for Netherland QB.Slighty better defence for Netherland also.United Kingdom close the eyes , thank the gods of luck and will focus on the semifinals.One more time , winner of the group was beaten by a 2nd place.

Netherland 42 - 49 United Kingdom

I always tought that modesty and appreciations from others make a man a good sports man , either is a good player or a good manager.Of course always will be one or two that will be the other way around.Would be arrogant and don't leave people to forget who are they.After a perfect qualifation season with eight wins and zero defeats and with a qualification from the 2nd place in the main group , Czech Republic and theyr foreign coach , Cflames , made a good performance.Win over the Canada and head over for the medals this year.But in my opinion these result is in the shadow of his arrogance and pride.No one will say that he is a weak coach and manager , but nobody will want to take picture or ask for his autograph.Lack of consistence from Canada made they to end theyr road in the quarter final.Good to see them back near the glory , but they need a little more constency.

Canada 35 - 49 Czech Republic

That's all for today.Cheers from our magazine. Keep it calm and don't be greedy.
Rocky Solo
Posts: 10669
Posted on 2015-08-25 16:23:28
Bravo sir.
Gatr22GI Supporter
Posts: 14549
Joined: 2009-09-29
Posted on 2015-08-25 16:24:46
Great job, this is another great entry for WC Magazine...........on the cutting edge of GI World Cup news

Owner of the Orlando Gators FC
Member GIAC
League 383-173 (TD Champs S17,S21,S22)
Regional Cup 223-25 (Cup Champs S14,S15,S17,S19,S20,S21)
AFLC 45-14 (Iron Bowl Champs S18,S22,S23)

It's Great To Be A Florida Gator

Posts: 1268
Posted on 2015-10-29 19:32:59
World Cup XV - #1

World Cup XV - Qualification - [b/]

Group A

Vice Champions of last year , Czech Republic start this qualification with a defeat at home against Spain.They started the game with a lead of 14-0 after first quarter but after that Spain , win the other three quarters and in the end the game.PCT of 60% for the spanish QB , and good defences for both teams.

Czech Republic 35 - 42 Spain

Contrare the visible one sided score , Ukraine was not a BOT offence.They simply play that bad.Running game was a bad choice and this year look like another fiasco.Netherland was the lucky team and got a first win this year.

Ukraine 0 - 42 Netherland

3-Czech Republic

Group B

This is a pure case of BOT offence.USA made a miss step this year and it could be expensive.This time the lucky team was Switzerland.They got a first win of the season and they are very happy.Theyr QB made a hell of a game and finish with a 60% PCT.

Switzerland 45 - 0 USA

Belgium and Bosnia.One from the east and one from the west.The winner was the one from the west.Belgium won and now they wait for the game against Switzerland for the first place of the group.Bosnia they win need a miracle if USA will play with a valid formation.

Belgium 45 - 28 Bosnia & Herzegovina

3-Bosnia & Herzegovina

Group C

First win of the season for Denmark and looks like is another easy group for them.Is true that they are a good team but the other teams made theyr job much easier.For example in this game Brazil tried to run the ball and made a mistake.Will see in the next matches how things evoluate.

Denmark 42 - 21 Brazil

One of this week surprises took place in Mexic when the locals managed to beat Finland and this year they could hope to qualify once again at the World Cup.Not a very good game from neither the two teams but in the end the consistency was important and the win was for the mexicans.

Mexic 28 - 20 Finland


Group D

Is nice to see that Slovenia is once again with a slovenian manager.This should be a keeper.In this game it was a shame that they lose because theyr QB played a hell of a game but in the end he was the man to blame.Poland defence made a couple of picks and won the game.I think that this group is open to either result.So Slovenia could revenge this defeat.

Slovenia 52 - 56 Poland

Brutal match between Norway and Australia.After 60 minutes of fighting Australia got the first win of the season and in this group every victory is a piece of gold.For Norway is not the end of the world.But they need to raise theyr head and fight a bit harder next match.

Norway 42 - 52 Australia


Group E

Good match between Argentina and Slovakia.Two good teams that always desearve to be in the top but this year one of these two teams could get a early shortcut.Will have to wait to see which one.

Argentina 56 - 35 Slovakia

We have another team that run the ball this year.And once again it was a bad idea.Austria run the ball and lost the game.Pretty bad at the final whistle.Bad PCT for theyr QB and a decent defence but Serbia was simply better in this game.

Austria 28 - 52 Serbia


Group F

Two years ago Hungary managed to win the World Cup.Today they got defeated by Turkey.I know that is not a weird reason.Turkey could be this year the nice surprise that everyone is looking for every year.They good reach the group stage or even more.World Cup Magazine are with them.GO TURKEY !

Hungary 35 - 56 Turkey

Two teams in the opposite areas.One in the America and one in Europe.One plays bad , one plays very good.Canada and Russia.This time , Russia choose to pass and run the ball and it was a good idea.Maybe it will work every time.Let's see next week.

Canada 28 - 49 Russia


Group G

France started this season with a easy win over Columbia.Columbia is a decent team but they have bad luck with a overall rank and that way they need to play against very good other teams every year.France need to stay alert and keep a good playing level because Ireland and New Zeeland wait around the corner.

France 56 - 35 Columbia

I think Germany hopes at a new medal this year.Maybe it is time for them to add another good result.First they need to pass a very tought qualification group.They've made a first step with this victory over Ireland.The irish made a good performance last year and this year hopes at the same thing.But they need to wake up fast for the games against France and New Zeeland.

Germany 59 - 21 Ireland

3-New Zeeland

Group H

Romania is under a new construction.Few new players and some new tactics for another season and maybe some another performances.First game of the season and i thing they are looking good.They managed to beat Italy after a very good match.Italy with 4 sacks but not good enought.Almost 60% PCT at the debut for the romanian QB.

Romania 42 - 31 Italy

Almost a very big surprise.Croatia score 35 points in the first half but after that they got a sudden death and United Kingdom got the victory with two minutes before the end of the game.Three interceptions and a very important victory.Croatia will have to work a little more and better to get the victory next game.

United Kingdom 49 - 42 Croatia

2-United Kingdom
Gatr22GI Supporter
Posts: 14549
Joined: 2009-09-29
Posted on 2015-10-29 19:51:30
Thanks Moran, I will try to give you more to talk about after tomorrow

Owner of the Orlando Gators FC
Member GIAC
League 383-173 (TD Champs S17,S21,S22)
Regional Cup 223-25 (Cup Champs S14,S15,S17,S19,S20,S21)
AFLC 45-14 (Iron Bowl Champs S18,S22,S23)

It's Great To Be A Florida Gator

Posts: 1268
Posted on 2016-02-29 19:25:18
World Cup XVI (16) - #1
World Cup Magazine - 29.02.2016

The World Cup Magazine is back. This time everything will be different. Because of lack of the staff we coudn't cover all the 16 matches and every week we will cover the most 9 interesting matches.

Group A

Argentina 42 - 0 Belgium

Maybe the biggest surprise from week 1 took place in Russia when the local team get defeated by Bulgaria. Bulgaria with a unknown manager from United Kingdom played a magistral second half and after 4TDs and only one from Russia, they are, after one week, on the second place after Argentina. We will keep an eye on Bulgaria to find out if that was an accident or not.

Russia 21 - 35 Bulgaria

Group B

Let's stop a moment and congrats Italy. Our magazine was waiting for a Gold in theyr trophy room. With a community that is among the strongest in this game and with so many great managers this result is a reward for theyr good and hard work. This year we'll see if they want to stay in top, now, with the curse rised. Croatia was to weak for them this week. Maybe Norway or Czech Republic will be more of a rival for them.

Croatia 24 - 49 Italy

After two years when Czech Republic was ruled by a foreign manager this year an italian manager took the lead but in the first week Czech Republic got defeated. It is true that the opposite team was Norway, a team with a big experience and good skills. A very good game from Norway's QB and theyr defence for a first win of the season. Next week we'll have Norway host Croatia and Czech Republic travels to the World Champions from last year, Italy.

Czech Republic 35 - 56 Norway

Group C

Hungary 31 - 7 Bosnia & Herzegovina

I think this is hardly a big surprise. Australia is not anymore the team from the past and Mexico is a rising star. With a QB that is a franchise QB and a defence that could easily fit in the NFL, Mexico national team was present last year at the World Cup and this year if they keep it this way i'm sure that they will qualify once again. Australia need to rise up theyr game because with this loss they are at four consecutive defeats.

Australia 28 - 48 Mexico

Group D

Portugal 14 - 28 Slovakia

Two consecutives bronze medals for the USA. I think they will attack the at least the silver this year. And theyr manager deserve this thing. In the game against France there was an incredible force from theyr offence. The QB and the receivers where in great form and took advantage of the chances that France gave it to them. France was a little sleepy on the offence and luckily the defence was decent because the score could easily be bigger than now.

USA 59 - 35 France

Group E

Sweden 52 - 31 Finland

Denmark and Spain gave us the most thriling match from Week 1. A magistral performance from danish QB who ended with 71.1 % PCT. The score was one quarter for Denmark one for Spain. But in the end the final score revealed a score that is the real truth. Spain was much better than that diffence. Let's get our hands together and thank both teams for the show. Can't wait for the match from Spain where i think there will be another great match.

Denmark 52 - 34 Spain

Group F

Romania 28 - 0 Germany

Another great match and even a tight one took place in Slovenia. Slovenia and Serbia battle for the first win of the season. In the end it was a FG who made the diffence. Close stats for the offence and defence for both teams. Maybe both teams will be happy at the end of this qualification but for this to happen they need to get a bit stronger.

Slovenia 35 - 38 Serbia

Group G

Ireland 42 - 28 New Zeeland

Another big surprise took place in Group G when Switzerland beat United Kingdom. UK with a new but a familiar face started this qualification with a bad result.But there's no need to panic. There are another five games to repair this result. We will see the next week how theyr are doing. Switzerland seems that theyr have refound the force from a couple of years ago when they've become World Champions. Maybe exist another medal in them.

Switzerland 42 - 28 United Kingdom

Group H

Austria 21 - 17 Colombia

Poland with a great result last season when they've won the silver medal, took a wrong step in the first week of this year qualification. Or maybe Canada was to powerfull for them. Maybe Canada is in another great period of theyr time. We have to wait and see if Canada will confirm that they are a big team of GI or Poland was just in a weak day last Friday. We need more profs.

Canada 35 - 14 Poland

Extra Awards Week 1

Most Valuble QB - Jens Steffensen *Denmark* 71.7% PCT, 588 Yards, 7 TDs

Most Valuble Defence Player - Bernard Salantiu *Romania* 6 Tackles and 6 Sacks

Over Performance *Bulgaria*

Under Performance *Poland*

That's all for this week. If you have other awards that you want to write in our magazine please. See you next week.Last edited on 2016-02-29 at 20:11
Posts: 2645
Joined: 2013-04-18
Posted on 2016-02-29 19:50:41
Moran20 wrote:

World Cup XVI (16) - #1
World Cup Magazine - 29.02.2016

After two years when Czech Republic was ruled by a foreign manager this year a Czech manager took the lead but in the first week Czech Republic got defeated.

Perfect summary But Capelca is not a Czech manager, he is from Italy.

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