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Gunner/Kick returner
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-29 6:10:16
here is an example that might help guru.

Offense positions are calculated first(not actual rules just here for the example)
Defense second
special teams last.

We've got our superstar Billy BigBritches with all 20's and as such we never want him off the field so he's going to play qb, lb, and KR today.

training is then calculated according to the rules above.

Offensive position check occurs

Billy is a QB

defensive position check occurs

Billy is not a QB he is a LB

ST occurs

Billy is not a LB he is a KR

billy gains positional rating after all three positional checks have taken place KR is the position checked last so Billy is a KR
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-29 6:48:15
Mercutioh wrote:


What he said.
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2008-12-29 7:17:31
Administrator wrote:

One player can get rating for only one position. In your case that would mean that the player would get CB rating since Special Teams rating is calculated last and replaces the any previous rating calculated for that game (provided that the player plays in a Special Team).

Oh an only Gunners, Punt/Kick Returners, Punter/Kicker and CBs are given rating in Special Teams

1) It sounds to me like he is referring to Positional Rating gains only applying to 1 position per game, as opposed to your superstud getting rating for 3 different positions.

2) What is this Gunner,etc only getting rating on STs? Does that mean that Players won't shift to become gunners after playing on those positions for a while?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-29 7:55:45
Xiong Yoshi wrote:

Tahl_ wrote:

The only difference is that the ST CBs need Blocking instead of Position. After that the skill sets are pretty much the same. Then again, Admin has come out and said that Blocking does help the Defense to a small degree and I doubt that Position would be worthless to ST CBs... so the skill sets are pretty much the same if you look at it that way.

Pretty sure that STs CBs don't need tackling either. Gunners seem to be like fast LBs, STs CBs seem to be more like TEs without the catching.. or FBs without the carrying. I can't really fathom a reason why anyone would use a CB on the KRS as standard procedure.

Yeah, what makes it worse is say someone new to american football starts playing on here and learns that there 2 different types of CB and then he starts watching the game on TV ...........
Posts: 1596
Posted on 2008-12-29 9:30:27
I think that existing players should of filled these positions on special teams.
Never should of added new players to the roster. Heck I have a crap skilled new guy that I can't fire because he is gonna retire and is gonna sit the bench collecting a paycheck.
I waited all last season for three of my guys to retire just to have a new one added that wont contribute.
Steel Steve
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-29 17:14:13
Okay I set my both gunners and kick returner for my friendly which took place today. And none of them took to the field, one of my DL men was doing kick return and so was my kicker.

Can anyone explain?
Posts: 3527
Posted on 2008-12-29 17:24:43
Steel Steve wrote:

Okay I set my both gunners and kick returner for my friendly which took place today. And none of them took to the field, one of my DL men was doing kick return and so was my kicker.

Can anyone explain?

Well you need to submit your setting i think its an hour or so before the game starts and if its a bug you need to submit this into the bug report forum
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-29 20:50:31
Administrator wrote:

If you mean add a new position then no. If you mean if we can change the term Corner Back in the formation editor/Special Teams tab then yes. But would there be a point since that would confuse people?

The CBs add a bit of strategy to the game. You can use the same guy as you use for the regular CB, or you can specialize and have two separate types of CB - one for special teams (with blocking) and one for the defensive team (with tackling)

I have to say that I can see why Oneknee is unhappy about this.

The best 'CB' on special teams is going to be someone with speed but good at blocking. People like that are going to be my backup OL or TE/FB. They'd be suited to blocking the gunners.
Yet by playing them in what would be a suitable position (by skills), they will soon become CBs as their primary position will change if I play them at CB for a few games. They'll maybe get good ratings as a CB, even though they have no coverage/DB skills at all.

It doesn't really make much sense. You didn't use WRs for gunners, you have them unique positions - why use CBs for the jammers?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-31 0:38:59
Ok, so just to clarify (preferably from an admin), if a CB in your defense plays CB on your ST, then he will still receive his CB rating improvement or whatever? Or for the purposes of positional rating, is a CB in Defense different from a CB in ST?

If the latter is true, then maybe the CB in ST's position name should be changed to "jammer" to avoid confusion.
Posts: 3613
Posted on 2008-12-31 1:00:26
texasaggies wrote:

If the latter is true, then maybe the CB in ST's position name should be changed to "jammer" to avoid confusion.

But...but...Quentin Jammer IS a CB!
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