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Gunner/Kick returner
Posts: 593
Posted on 2008-12-28 16:37:55
oneknee wrote:

Xiong Yoshi wrote:

So Gunners play on the KOS and CBs play on the KRS? Why not just make them all gunners and be done with it? Atleast then we can just shove some people over there to train as Gunners and we know the are on STs and not have to worry about screwing up the regular formations with blocking CBs?

Heck, it sounds like the Gunners should be the CBs and the CBs... if nothing else... should be the Gunners - atleast that way the ST CBs would use the same skills as the regular CBs. Am I missing something? Oh well.. back to the movies.

That's a very good suggestion, swapping over the (special team) CBs and the gunners. That way you won't have one position CB that needs 2 different skill sets, which has got to be the most confusing way to do this. I really don't like it the way it is.

Another point - I'm quite happy with the wage increase that a lot of others are complaining about as I'd planned for this but I hope they realise that they may also need 2 extra CBs with blocking skills so that's another 2 player wages to pay.

with my idea, if the admin implements it, you could use CBs as gunners and TE, FB, or even OL as the CBs in special teams if you wanted.
Posts: 593
Posted on 2008-12-28 16:39:49
Administrator wrote:

rivertommy wrote:

could you make it so that special teams gets calculated first? so that a linebacker could play gunner and still be a linebacker, or a wide receiver could return kicks and still be a receiver. like in the nfl. some nfl teams have specialized KR and gunners, but not every team has them.

We can try to do that

please keep us updated
Posts: 332
Posted on 2008-12-28 16:50:10
oneknee wrote:

That's a very good suggestion, swapping over the (special team) CBs and the gunners. That way you won't have one position CB that needs 2 different skill sets, which has got to be the most confusing way to do this. I really don't like it the way it is.

Another point - I'm quite happy with the wage increase that a lot of others are complaining about as I'd planned for this but I hope they realise that they may also need 2 extra CBs with blocking skills so that's another 2 player wages to pay.

I don't see a problem about CB with blocking skills. If you train defense your cornerbacks are receiving training for blocking, which is now needed for special team. So, everything seems logical now to me (I'm talking about a game, not RL) and this new role of CB explains early dilemma - why blocking is defense skill.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-28 20:52:27
Though this may be better for the suggestions, how about gunners staying as their position name, but special teams corners be called wedge or wedgebacks? With their primary role as blocking the gunners.

Posts: 423
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:10:55
they should't have created these new positions. Just let us play whoever we want as kick returner or gunner. Just cut the out of position penalty for special teams and just only calculate the required skills for a kick-returner or gunner. That would have been much easier for everyone and wouldn't have gave us 4 extra players with extra salary.
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:32:44
GitHyper wrote:

they should't have created these new positions. Just let us play whoever we want as kick returner or gunner. Just cut the out of position penalty for special teams and just only calculate the required skills for a kick-returner or gunner. That would have been much easier for everyone and wouldn't have gave us 4 extra players with extra salary.

Well, too late for that. I'm just not a big fan of CBs needing blocking. Something about that seems.... "not right". Infact, it's clearly an example of "trying to fill a round hole with a square peg".

Guess I can shrug it off as being one of those "It's the developer's game, they can do with it as they please" things.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:46:40
This is confusing me as much as the rest of you. However, not because of why we are using Cornerbacks and why things are called this and that...

It is mainly due to the rating system.

Administrator wrote:

One player can get rating for only one position. In your case that would mean that the player would get CB rating since Special Teams rating is calculated last and replaces the any previous rating calculated for that game (provided that the player plays in a Special Team).

Oh an only Gunners, Punt/Kick Returners, Punter/Kicker and CBs are given rating in Special Teams

This confusing the living day light out of me...So if I play a Wide Receiver - that doesn't play at any Wide Receiver spot during a match - at Kick Return, he will not gain any Positional Rating at Kick Return?
Posts: 423
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:49:18
yeah it's really confusing. Hopefully they will give some examples to make things clear.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:53:31
No - What they're saying is that right now Special Teams are currently (they are talking of changing it) calculated last. You only improve at 1 position in any given game. So if your player plays a WR and KR he will only increase his position rating at KR and not WR. If a benched WR plays KR he will increase his positional rating at KR. I think that was what you were asking Guru.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-28 23:02:31
Tahl_ wrote:

No - What they're saying is that right now Special Teams are currently (they are talking of changing it) calculated last. You only improve at 1 position in any given game. So if your player plays a WR and KR he will only increase his position rating at KR and not WR. If a benched WR plays KR he will increase his positional rating at KR. I think that was what you were asking Guru.


That does help, but I believe that you mean that the Wide Receiver which is also playing at Wide Receiver and not just Kick Returner, receives the rating in Wide Receiver first, as Special Teams are caculated last. No?
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