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Club shop
Forum index >> Center for rookies >> Club shop Goto page : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-09-28 19:52:59
I'm thinking already if it's a good idea to get into debt to build a club shop! By my Calculations I'll be something like $16,000 or so in debt if I select this option! Does anyone think it'll be a good idea for a club that's two days old to get this level of debt? will I be albe to choose what type of Products to buy and sell? Will I be able to set the selling price?

I'm only asking...that's all before I make a final decision....any adivce I get would be appriciated ....Thanks

Posts: 1287
Posted on 2008-09-28 21:58:30
sissco wrote:

I'm thinking already if it's a good idea to get into debt to build a club shop! By my Calculations I'll be something like $16,000 or so in debt if I select this option! Does anyone think it'll be a good idea for a club that's two days old to get this level of debt? will I be albe to choose what type of Products to buy and sell? Will I be able to set the selling price?

I'm only asking...that's all before I make a final decision....any adivce I get would be appriciated ....Thanks


far is a know u can't go in to dept when building stuff, they will just say insufficient funds.

And further i believe the club shop will give a pre arranged amount of income with a set level of cost per level of upgrade, i don't think u can actually sell things there, at least not at your control. But thats all in the FAQ's.

5. What is the club shop for?
With the club shop, you can sell your clubs merchandise. You need to know, however, that in order to keep the shop running, you need to pay every week for its maintenance. So, to successfully sell the merchandise you need to do good in the league games and preferably be in a higher level of competition. Basic earning is the amount that a team gets in the first level (top division), before being increased and/or decreased by various other factors. Below are all these factors and their effect on a basic earning:
- Earning increase roughly by 10% for each league position above the last place
- Earnings increase for 5% to 10%, if your team won the last league match
- Earnings decrease for 5% to 10%, if your team lost the last league match
- Earnings increase or decrease From 0 to 5% randomly to simulate basic economy
- Earnings decrease for roughly 10% for each league level below the top division

Shop earnings/maintenance table
Type Cost Maintenance p/w Basic earnings
Basic shop $ 350,000 $ 3,000 $ 7,500
Upgrade 1 $ 50,000 $ 5,000 $ 12,500
Upgrade 2 $ 50,000 $ 7,000 $ 17,500
Upgrade 3 $ 50,000 $ 9,000 $ 22,500
Upgrade 4 $ 50,000 $ 11,000 $ 27,500
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-09-29 14:02:12
Absolutely not!

I worked out the cost of the shop, and likely incomings based on a decent performing team.
The cost of building is $350,000.
You then pay $3,000 per week in maintenance.
At the top level, the estimated basic earnings are $7,000. I'm in III.2 which appears to be the 6th division. Earnings decrease 10% for each division below the top one - $7,000 with 10% rolling reductions 5 times over results in $4,133.
So I could reasonably expect get a minimum of this each week.
BUT, this increases 10% for each week you are above the previous week's position. If you keep winning, you can rise a maximum of 9 places (from bottom to top), which results in $9,745 per week.
That's on the basis you win each week.
Income (9745) - Maintenance (3000) = Turnover of $6,745.
Just to earn the initial cost of building back, would take 52 weeks - a calendar year.
But there's only 18 weeks in a season. Even if you allow a handful of weeks for an offseason, you'd be looking at about 2 1/2 seasons before you'd even make your investment back on the shop.

Where it becomes very profitable is if you get a couple of upgrades, as the proportion of earnings against maintenance becomes greater. By that time, you'd have spent $450,000 minimum.

Hey, in four seasons time you could buy the top coaches and train up the best players.
Or you could just save a bit of cash and do it right now instead of buying a shop.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-09-29 19:01:40
Thank you very very much for you're advice...I will not be buying a shop or any other ugrades at all!!! INstead, If you recomend it I may invest in increasing the number if seats my Stadium holds, at the moment I own 500 seats in my stadium ,with a few hundred more on the way, which won't be finished untll around the tenth of October (I think) so as a result I'm now thinking of expanding the number of seats in my stadium, please tell me what you think....

Many thanks

Posts: 8799
Posted on 2008-09-29 19:52:49
sissco wrote:

Thank you very very much for you're advice...I will not be buying a shop or any other ugrades at all!!! INstead, If you recomend it I may invest in increasing the number if seats my Stadium holds, at the moment I own 500 seats in my stadium ,with a few hundred more on the way, which won't be finished untll around the tenth of October (I think) so as a result I'm now thinking of expanding the number of seats in my stadium, please tell me what you think....

Many thanks


The stadium is a very good place to start expanding. Just don't expand the side that came with 500 seats until you have more elsewhere. I did that and had a game with no fans, and therefore no money.

But right now, ticket sales are the biggest source of income(other than sponsors and winning), so expanding the stadium is probably the best thing to do.
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-10-02 13:07:36
I think you are smart for expanding the stadium. everyone on the site is doing that to some degree. The club shop is not as bad as advertised. it's 10% bonus for every place above last place. I.e. first place gets a 90% bonus. I think it will be important eventually just not before building out seats
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 13:13:16
I intend to hit a stadium capacity and then look more carefully at the other aspects of the game. Staff, Shop, Fitness hall etc.

But yes, you would be right in saying that upgrading the Stadium is your best bet right now.

Remember, the FAQ is your best friend. So don't get a Shop if you are bottom in one of the lower divisions
Posts: 19
Posted on 2008-10-05 21:01:26
ike2112 wrote:

Absolutely not!

I worked out the cost of the shop, and likely incomings based on a decent performing team.
The cost of building is $350,000.
You then pay $3,000 per week in maintenance.
At the top level, the estimated basic earnings are $7,000. I'm in III.2 which appears to be the 6th division. Earnings decrease 10% for each division below the top one - $7,000 with 10% rolling reductions 5 times over results in $4,133.
So I could reasonably expect get a minimum of this each week.
BUT, this increases 10% for each week you are above the previous week's position. If you keep winning, you can rise a maximum of 9 places (from bottom to top), which results in $9,745 per week.
That's on the basis you win each week.
Income (9745) - Maintenance (3000) = Turnover of $6,745.
Just to earn the initial cost of building back, would take 52 weeks - a calendar year.
But there's only 18 weeks in a season. Even if you allow a handful of weeks for an offseason, you'd be looking at about 2 1/2 seasons before you'd even make your investment back on the shop.

Where it becomes very profitable is if you get a couple of upgrades, as the proportion of earnings against maintenance becomes greater. By that time, you'd have spent $450,000 minimum.

Hey, in four seasons time you could buy the top coaches and train up the best players.
Or you could just save a bit of cash and do it right now instead of buying a shop.

There is a couble of things here that i disagree with. 1. Just because its III2 does not mean its 6. division. If it was like that it would be better to be in III1 then II2 and that would seriously be weard. 2. These first season are to build up your team, stadium and INCOME. In other words then an upgrade like that may not look like the best thing now but in the future the managers like me that has bought the club shop will be really delited and those who have not will be regreding that they didn`t invest in it!
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-05 23:45:38
Personally, at this moment in time, I would rather have a Fitness Centre than a Club Shop.

The way I see spending money is this. Buy the players you want > Get your Satdium to a certain size > Fitness Centre > Club Shop. Ofcourse, you would like to think that you would break-even when buying players, by selling your own.

But ofcourse, everyone has their own opinion, which is what makes games like this exciting

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-06 12:14:21
kazaki wrote:

There is a couble of things here that i disagree with. 1. Just because its III2 does not mean its 6. division. If it was like that it would be better to be in III1 then II2 and that would seriously be weard.

It is the 6th Division. Just go to the league tables and count - they are in order so it's not difficult!
Top Division = 1st div
II.1 = 2nd Div
II.2 = 3rd Div
II.3 = 4th Div
III.1 = 5th Div
III.2 = 6th Div

kazaki wrote:

2. These first season are to build up your team, stadium and INCOME. In other words then an upgrade like that may not look like the best thing now but in the future the managers like me that has bought the club shop will be really delited and those who have not will be regreding that they didn`t invest in it!

I don't think many people will be regreding.
You cannot build all those 3 things at once. If you buy a club shop, it's all your cash gone. So you'll have a small stadium, low-level coaches, and can't be spending a lot in the transfer market.
And to be honest, since the amount of income for game attendance and club shop is tiered based on the division you are in and team performance, the best way to make money is to win games and get promoted. Unless you are in a division lower than 11th tier, in which case you are so low down the order that it makes little difference. The teams in Div 12 seem to use the same factor as those in the 25th division when it comes to calculating attendance, shop income etc.

The next best way to gain more money, is to have more seats/boxes.
The finally, and least effective way to gain income, is a club shop.
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