As someone who has to do troubleshooting for a living I'll add this in to make the Admins life a little easier. please follow the following guidelines when submitting a bug.
1. Include which game, player, transaction etc you see the bug in.
2. Include as MUCH information about the situation as possible.In this vein, screenshots are a troubleshooters best friend.
3. Try to keep your tone neutral. If you start yelling about something that is broken, you just serve to tick off the person doing the work to try to fix the problem.
4. Avoid circumstantial evidence where possible. i.e. In my first three games I ran for 300 yards, now I only run for 75 something must be broken, or in five of my friends games this week none of us had a strong saftey tackle, etc. statistical anamolies crop up from time to time, as much as you try to avoid it, it happens.
5. If you run any addons like greasemonkey switch them off, try if the wrong behaviour is still existing. In case the addon causes the fault please contact the creator of this addon instead the grid iron support.
6. Are you using adblock or another similar program? If so you may need to turn it off while on Grid-Iron. It can prevent normal functions from working correctly.