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Best position
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 9:32:34
Hi is it better to use players in their best position ore should I use players with the best skill's to the position?
exampel: two players. number one has 6 catching and his best pos is wr, number two has 7 in catching but his best pos is LB, who should I use as WR?
hope you understand.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 11:03:14
Hey Simon!

You've been buying all the players I want lately!

It's completely up to you. Because the game is still in it's Beta season, we are not too sure on most things.

Your question is made a little bit more difficult, as LB's are in prime positions to intercept the ball. Where as if the catching skill of 7 was an Offensive Linemen, I would tell you change their position to Wide Receiver!

But ofcourse, it is your choice.

This is what I have done: I have looked at my players - their skill and their positions - and based it on that. This is where the player's position analyse comes in: If it says "He can play adequately as 'position'". So, my "Natural" Quarterbacks have not been performing lately, and I've scanned my roster to see who has the viable skills needed and who can also play "Adequately" at that position. I do not risk choosing the "If really needed, he can also step in as 'position'".

So for example, I have a level 8 Passing Cornerback. It says he can play adequately as Quarterback, so I thought it was worth the risk of playing him as my QB as he will change his "Natural Position" to QB in the future. Ofcourse, there is a risk that I could lose a few upcoming matches before I see any benefits, but that's worth the risk to build his as my future QB in my opinion.

Other people have different views. Some people scan the transfer market and buy a player who's "Natural Position" is what they need. Others buy for star ratings - Anything 2 stars and above. So I'm hoping a few people will respond to this

Quite an essay, I apologise!

Regards, Guru.

EDIT: Personally, I would keep them in the same positions as they are now. Most players I have jumbled around - let's say a WR - have had 1 or 2 catching. Yours has 6
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 12:11:14
Thank you very much for the answer.
Is it the LB who in the best position to intercept? I thougt it was the CB?
Just to understand you totally. my WR have lets say 6 catch and my ol have 8 in catch but can only if needed play WR would you pick him who is normally WR?
but thank you very much for all the help.
Can I use a player as an OL an DL in the same game?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 12:16:48
Your more than welcome Simon. Just understand that this is only my opinion. Many will do things differently.

Linebackers have a chance of intercepting too, it's just not as likely as a Corner. What other skills does the Linebacker have? Vision? Intelligence? Tackiling? etc etc. It all add's up, if these are reasonable, keep him at Linebacker.

Personally, I'd stick with the Wide Receiver with 6 catch. But then I am not in the position to see your Wide Receiver's other stats such as Speed, Vision, Carrying etc. And it's the same for the Offensive Lineman. Does he have good blocking, strength, footwork etc? If not, it may be wise to try him out at Wide Receiver and see how he does. There's no harm in trying

You must remember, that a player will get the most stars in his "Natural Position" and the least stars when "If really needed, he can step in as 'position'". However, some of us believe that these positions are unnccessary, and that it is worth putting the players in the positions based on their given skills.

And yes, you can use a player on both sides of the football pitch. We believe it's just not wise too, as it seemingly has an affect on the players stamina.

I hope this helps.

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 13:00:20
Thank you very much. I was also thinking that it could't be good for the player if he played both DL and OL.
I will also try use players where I think they are best based on thier skill's.
lets say the WR and the OL hav the same skills but the WR have 6 catch and the OL hav 8 but can't play WR would you also pick the WR? ore dos it not have that much to say vwhere his best pos are?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-02 13:06:23
Again, no problem Simon!

If they had the same skills, I'm sure that the OL will be more respected at the Wide Receiver position - In the sense that he could play Wide Receiver And that it wouldn't be "If needed, he can play at 'position'".

But try it out. If the Offensive Lineman is great at that position already, leave him there. If not, and if you have more than enough Offensive Linemen, try him at Wide Receiver! Remember though, that the Quarterback's ability will affect the Wide Receivers performance. In the sense that, he may not get alot of passes thrown his way.

Your best bet is to try it out in a friendly! Nothing to lose whatsoever! Play your Offensive Lineman come Wide Receiver on the right. Choose "pass only" and choose "Direction: Attack down the right flank". Sure, you will probably lose, but you will understand more about your Offensive Lineman and whether he can play Wide Receiver or not

Hope this helps, and that you're not in my division now

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-03 6:20:23
Hey Simon if he has good recieving skills and blocking skills why not put him at Tight End?I took no notice of my players natural positions to start with and just played my players in positions where I thought their skills would benefit my team in the long run!The more you play them in those positions the sooner they will adopt their new positions as their natural position
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-10-05 6:51:37
I'm with Dazz, at this point I am playing players at the position I think will benefit my team most. I'm not quite sure how it is going to play itself out but I have had three position changes and hope for one at QB soon so my D-lineman turned QB can actually begin to throw successfully. The admins have stated that the positional penalties are so low at this point that it's not that noticable, three seasons down the road it could be more of an issue. I hope this helps.
Posts: 1287
Posted on 2008-10-05 11:51:40
My view on thinks is:

I play my players on their natural positons and then i look to who are the best i have on that position (within the list of naturals)

Further i train every player on a skill needed for their natural position, so my vision is that with a lot of 16 to 19 year olds you can train your players and have a nice team in 3 or 4 season