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Adding new players
john k
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-25 20:07:59
At this point, I am number 1 in my division and I am looking to improve my roster a bit. Is there a paticuraly special time that I should start looking to improve en masse or should I keep the roster I have. Also, any tips in looking for a good player would be dandy.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-25 20:29:05
When the schedule softens so you can get new players chemistry p would be a good time, and young, good consistency, and good teamwork.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-25 20:31:48
john k wrote:

At this point, I am number 1 in my division and I am looking to improve my roster a bit. Is there a paticuraly special time that I should start looking to improve en masse or should I keep the roster I have. Also, any tips in looking for a good player would be dandy.

John, welcome to the game my friend.

This is just my take on matters, so please understand that this is just an opinion or a guideline.

Intelligence, Teamwork and Consistency are constants - They do not change. Other skills do change. Therefore, buy players that have high constants.

Intelligence is a bonus for most positions, but more neccessary at the likes of QB, LB and Safety.

Teamwork, as you probably know, allows a player to train faster. This used to be very important for me, but not so much anymore.

Consistency fluctuates a players performance. 20 = no change. 1 = a lot of change! This has become a very important factor for me.

Buy players that you will need in the future or players that you think will help your team immediately. You have a few players that are getting old and will retire in a few seasons. Also, it may be wise to buy some players to allow you to play other formations.

Talent is also a big factor, but you must scout a player to see this attribute. I will not buy anyone below 4 star talent, as I now have a team that will be around for a while. This attribute is what most people will consider to be the greatest of importance.

Age is also a factor. The younger, the longer they will be in your team. But remember, players will not suffer a training points % loss until they are 28 years old. So if you fancy an older player, make sure that he has some life in him before reaching this age.

Ofcourse, you are able to pull youth players every week. So if your current players are allowing you to stay 1st in your division, it may be wise to pull players that you will need at positions in the future. This will also not cost you any money.

I hope this helps,

Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-25 20:36:00
Oh yes, I missed intelligence. I disagree on talent, but I'm neither a guru nor a mod.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-25 23:09:56
I also currently disagree on talent, given that it will be quite some time before a majority of players reach their full potential. Given that it will be a full year in RLT or more until you start getting into the really competitive divisions, guys with 2 or 3 talent who have maxed their skills out will still likely get you a LOT of wins.
Of course, it is still pretty important, I just wouldn't say most, IMHO, but others agree with Guru. I also prefer, at this young stage, to save my money for my stadium, rather than spend it on a ton of scouting reports.

I would personally, if you think your team can get you through this season, wait until at least the last couple of weeks of this year before you go on a big spending spree. Use your money to build your stadium, and you will be in a much better position in coming seasons to buy big time players on the TL, so the 10 or so weeks of training you would lose on those new players wouldn't be as important. If you just pull youths and keep those with good TW and train them up, and then buy a few key players towards the end of the season to fill holes, you should definitely be ok after promoting to D.4 next season. Note that there is a LOT of money given out at season's end, so I would expect that there will be huge TL inflation after the end of season monies are given out.

Of course, all of this is moot if you don't win your division this year. There's probably no "best time" during the season, to get the best deals or whatever, at least as far as I know of.
john k
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-26 3:39:59
Here is what I have done so far. I have built quite a bit on my stadium (For a V league) at 1200 seating. I have bid for two players. A 2 star rated DL (He's 17 years old) and a 2.5 star LB. Good choices?
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-01-26 23:16:35
those ratings are determined by the number of matches played at that position for the most part. I wouldn't rate my purchases by them.
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