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teamwork and consistancy?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-05 6:31:33
how important are they? what do they do?
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2009-01-05 8:40:43
Teamwork is very important for future talent, especially for young teams that don't have coaching staffs. But teamwork has no actual impact upon games, only on training, so it isn't very important for older or more developed teams/players.

Consistency is just the variation in how well a Player plays. A consistency of 20 means the player plays at 100% all the time.. a Consistency of 1 means that the Player will sometimes play at 80% and sometimes play at 120% (atleast I think those are the numbers.. even if they aren't whatever - the concept is the same)... Different people assign different thoughts on how important Consistency is.

(personally, I want QB to be VERY consistent, but positions with multiple Players on the field can be less consistant.. example: HB if you are running 2x HBs.. one can pick up the other's slack on off weeks)
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-01-05 15:58:11
well honestly as fast as training is Teamwork is debatable as a key stat. Realistically the difference between 1-10 points versus the 40 potential awarded by coaches and the training center all but negates the teamwork value. teamwork is important for teams with low coaches but as your coaches improve Teamwork can take a back seat to talent as that is a truly immutable factor in long term training.
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2009-01-05 16:50:05
If a Player can be expected to play for 16 seasons, each season is 16 weeks - that is 256 weeks of training if my elementary math is correct. At 5 training points per week - we're talking 1200+... which is 12 skill points.

That's the difference between Teamwork of 10 and Teamwork of 20 for a 16 year old who retires at age 32.

Another way to look at Teamwork:
10 Training points from Teamwork
10 Training points for training
40 Training points for Coaches + Buildings

Teamwork = 1/6 of your training potential.

Is this really important? Let's say that you have a 5-Star Talent Player age 20 and starts out with 5's in every skill, as well as 15's in Strength and Speed. If that Player has 5 skills which you would like to get to 20, as well as speed and strength, The player will need 8500 Training points to reach the goal. If you are getting 60 per week, it'll take about 140 weeks to reach completion. If you are only getting 50 per week, it'll take 170 weeks. At 112 weeks, the Player would have turned 27 and had his training points cut in half - meaning that It wouldn't take 30 weeks more, it would actually take 60 weeks more.. which puts you past age 30...

So in short, an age 20 with 1 Teamwork would never complete their training, while the one with 20 Teamwork could. Some of my math is probably off, as I'm doing it quickly with no regard to whether it is actually correct or not, but the point should be pretty clear: Don't bid for players with high Teamwork, cause I want them.
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-01-05 17:31:10
only two small issues with the numbers but not the math. You view is definitely valid.

1. the season is 20 weeks.
2. the difference in total points earned in someone with 20 teamwork and someone with 10 is 5 points so the numbers you should use would be 60 training points and 55. the lowest possible score one could get would be 51 with max coaches.

I had the total training for a given player needing 8500 points to be 141 weeks. which equals out to be a little over 7 seasons for the 20 team work player.

a player with 10 teamwork gets 155 weeks to complete the training which means they come in at the end of the season of season 7.

Both players hit full training points in season 7 making the 16 year old trainee 23.

to further show the disparity a player with 51 points would hit max at 167 weeks or halfway through season 8.

so teamwork accounts for a season and a half of differential of reaching your training peak. Both players have long careers after that. 3 years before they hit partial training after that. To me, that's a difference but a tolerable one.

I appreciate the diligence you show in explaining your point of view. It is a great assistance to the community at large!

Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2009-01-05 18:19:20
Actually, I think I've reversed my stance. Obviously 20 Teamwork is great and all... but what would you be willing to give up to get that 20 Teamwork? The Best recruits will have a couple 7's and 13+ for strength and speed.. would a recruit with 3 relevant 7's but a teamwork of 1 be better than a recruit with 3 relevant 5's and teamwork of 20? Difference is 6 Skill points @ 10 Training points.. 60 weeks - 3 seasons before the 20 Teamwork Player catches up.

So, if you are looking at the end of career - Teamwork is very important... if you are looking at the beginning of the career - higher stats is better.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-01-05 19:22:30
Just a little page from my book...

Initially, I thought that Consistency and Teamwork were huge factors when buying players. Heck, I still do not buy a player with less than 15 Consistency unless the price is cheap...

However, teamwork for me is overrated. Do not get me wrong, 90% of my squad have Teamwork above 15, but in the future, I will focus more so on the Consistency and Talent values...
Posts: 1336
Posted on 2009-01-05 20:00:48
Mercutioh wrote:

well honestly as fast as training is Teamwork is debatable as a key stat. Realistically the difference between 1-10 points versus the 40 potential awarded by coaches and the training center all but negates the teamwork value. teamwork is important for teams with low coaches but as your coaches improve Teamwork can take a back seat to talent as that is a truly immutable factor in long term training.

How many people at this point are getting 40 points from coaching and training centers?

Seems like some people of a decent coach at one or two training schemes and few people have even the basic training center. Long-term, that will change though.

SD Blitz
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-01-05 22:51:37
this is why I put "potential" I'm just detailing how much the effect is. obviously the lower your coach/training center is the higher the importance of teamwork. but realistically two seasons in almost everyone should have a top tier coach and season after that it should be pretty common to see a full training center as well. I just wanted the most information out there that there could be if people think that teamwork is the end all be all then it inflates player prices, and as my man Yoshi pointed out. Numbers are more important than team work, unless you are aiming to keep players at 12 or lower stat levels.
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