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Automatic Cup Progress
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-25 2:47:30
they didn't and you are correct
El Commandante
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-26 12:03:47
Well karma, maybe playing in the top league is not challenging enough because of the bot teams. At least you get the higer sponsor money, the higher fan attendance, the higher prize money the higher fan shop income and a shot at the iron cup with his big money prize.

I, and many "latecomers" have to work my team up all the way from the 5th div. just because i started a little later with the game.
I have also 90% bot teams in my league. And luckily i made it to the 4th div this year but there is still only 1 other human team in my new div.
So big whooping challenge for us too

If I win my league every year, it takes me 4 years to get where you are.
And for that to happen i have to become nr 1 in my league ALL THE TIME.
Sounds a bit harder then trying to stay in the same div wouldn't you agree?

All those years you have significant financial benefit compared to a team like mine just because of the fact that you started a bit earlier. So why complain that you miss out some money when you already in such a fortunate position?
I wonder how big your stadium and facilities will be by the time I make it to your div. And how much you pay on average for good players.

Anyway, this is nothing personal by the way
I just got caught by the Christmas spirit of justice
Marry christmas!!

In general I find it a strange decision to spread out human players over all the divisions randomly.
Why not put everybody in the lowest division so everybody has to work his way up? Like a race to the top. But then with equal means.

The way it si done now, 2-3 months difference with starting to play the game makes a difference of 4-6 years minimum IN the game. that seems not fair.

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-26 12:30:52
El Commandante, honestly I agree with you, but that's not what this arguement is about

I'm not arguing that you in division 4 have diferent "rules" to me in the top division. I'm arguing that 1 team in my division has a Round 1 Cup game, and the other 9 don't!
If all teams in the top 1 or 2 divisions skipped the first round of the cup, ok I can see that as a way of adding parity by lessening the income of those teams at the top... but it's not!! It's just random! Meaning 1 team in the division gets 1 game - with 50% ticket income - more than everyone else.
That makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. There is no balance there, no parity. Just random scheduling and "Hey your team can have $350,000 more than everyone else in your division".

I also got lucky as I have an away game my first week of the new season, an issue I covered in another thread, but anyone who got a home game week 1 AND no cup game is potentially losing in excess of $700,000 over other teams (even in their own division)... just because of random scheduling.
To hark back to El Commandante's arguement, that is WAY more than the difference between division prize money, AND is being applied to people in the same division.. who presumably should be considered your peers in this game and treated the same?
As I said in the other thread, if the Admins ran a script that took $500,000 out of half the players accounts totally at random, and when asked why they replied "It's just how we made the game".. would we accept that? Would we consider renewing Supporter accounts?
Makes ZERO sense
El Commandante
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-26 12:43:51
Karma, I see your point

Too much randomness for my taste in this game sofar.
Hope that will change soon
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-26 15:36:04
Honestly this is why I think the cup should be seeded. at least initially. maybe seed the first few rounds then go to a random draw, but honestly if the upper divisions miss the first round of the cup, that all but erases the financial disparity between leagues. The fact that a team like mine gets to sit in and have a home game(based on largest stadium) with 50% revenue and a d V team might be sitting at home is a large blow, imo.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-28 1:52:52
yep i completely agree.

Last season i missed out on 3 rounds of cash from being in the top division. and with the ladder at the start of the season being in alphabetical order. im now back to 7th or 8th on the league ladder instead of first where i should of been. some type of compensation would be nice. considering i have no idea when i will play my first cup game. not to mention the small bonus payment i miss out on from my sponsors.

and on top of that my mate won div 3 and promoted. he tells me he ended up with 600K (ill find out today when he comes over. i took out the top division and only got 660. it seems more beneficial for my team to live in div 2 or 3 atm.

Posts: 1287
Posted on 2008-12-28 7:52:33
nemesis1980 wrote:

yep i completely agree.

Last season i missed out on 3 rounds of cash from being in the top division. and with the ladder at the start of the season being in alphabetical order. im now back to 7th or 8th on the league ladder instead of first where i should of been. some type of compensation would be nice. considering i have no idea when i will play my first cup game. not to mention the small bonus payment i miss out on from my sponsors.

and on top of that my mate won div 3 and promoted. he tells me he ended up with 600K (ill find out today when he comes over. i took out the top division and only got 660. it seems more beneficial for my team to live in div 2 or 3 atm.

Then that mate of yours probably got a look at his bonus without getting the cupbonus out of it I got first in Div IV and got the 365.000 as promised with some extra for the cup.

So it just depends on how far that mate got in the cup. Probably you got to the last 64 (500.000 + 160.000) and he got to the last 32 (405.000 + 190.000) Am i correct?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:05:16
yeah he made it an extra 2 rounds in front of me. which explains it

I just thought that cash would of been given out the week the cup ended not at the end of the season.

Posts: 1287
Posted on 2008-12-28 22:21:09
nemesis1980 wrote:

yeah he made it an extra 2 rounds in front of me. which explains it

I just thought that cash would of been given out the week the cup ended not at the end of the season.

Nope, all the price money is at the end of the season
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