Grid-Iron american football game language selector
EnglishEspañolEspañol (Latinoamérica)
NederlandsPolskiPortuguês (Brasil)
Please note
You can only use direct bank transfer to pay for your supporter account if you are living in one of the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Germany, Nederland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Great Britain, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland.

Also note: Because of associated accounting costs, we can only offer Ultimate and 12 months supporter in case of a direct bank transfer.
Instructions (how to pay)
1. Use the following data for the payment:
Company name: Melderon d.o.o.
Office location: Ribnica, Slovenia
Account Nr. (IBAN): SI56 1010 0005 0577 638
Our bank info: Banka Koper d.d., Pristaniska ulica 14, 6502 Koper, Slovenia

2. Transfer info:
Amount: Please transfer exactly 79.99 €
Bank costs: If there are any extra costs associated with the transfer on your bank, then please cover the costs as well.
Add a note: In notes/transfer reason you must enter/write "GI - xxxx" (xxxx being the club ID that you are purchasing supporter account for)

3. Waiting period:
It usually takes 2-3 working days for the transfer to show on our bank account. If you want, you can send a PM to tech. support containing payment data, in order to activate your supporter account a bit faster.

If you need any more information, then please contact us.
Thank you for your support!