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Chump Or Champ Friendly Cup
Forum index >> Friendly cups >> Chump Or Champ Friendly Cup Goto page : 1, 2, 3 ... 17, 18, 19 ... 86, 87, 88
Posts: 0
Posted on 2010-06-22 2:33:16
Original post is updated
Posts: 2150
Posted on 2010-06-22 2:36:06
great write-up again iwnft...and good game monkey
Posts: 7
Posted on 2010-06-22 9:12:09
Clint wrote:

great write-up again iwnft...and good game monkey

yeah good game clint and at least Neo won the battle of the top WRs in the cup
Posts: 0
Posted on 2010-06-22 23:48:05
Owing Mills Golden Eagles____9-3___3-0___268__93__175___35___W2_____2 Charlotte Hawks______________8-4___2-1___209__121__88___29___W3_____6 BigBaboons__________________5-7___0-3__178__293__-115__25____L2____12
Keystone State Puppies_______4-8___1-2__146__209__-63___20____L6____13

This division is definitely a tough one. The top 2 teams : Owings Mills Golden Eagles and Charlotte Hawks are 2 very tough teams. I believe that they have the top 2 teams in this division locked. The question is who will be #1 and who will be #2. Before the friendlies on this Monday I probably would’ve said The Hawks, but after Owings solid performance I am going to have to go with them. But if Charlotte can narow down the PD and get a big win in week 17 then maybe, they’ll take the #1 spot. Currently in 3rd place are the Big Baboons. Compared to the Hawks or Owings records, there record sucks. But the 8th seed in this cup has the same record as them. If the Big Baboons can figure out how to win some games down the stretch of this cup and get there record above the 8th seed, then maybe they won’t have to worry about PD. The Keystone State Puppies are only 1 win out of the 8th spot and don’t have a half bad PD. There problem, there losing streak. If they can come out .500 or above in there final 5 games, then I believe that they will take the 8th and final spot. The toughest thing about this division: the last 3 games.

Last edited on 2010-06-22 at 23:51
Posts: 0
Posted on 2010-06-22 23:49:23
Brantford Boomers____________7-5____2-1___192__190___2___27____W5___4
Galrauch Raiders______________5-7____1-2___248__243___5____32____L1___9
Worksop Wedskins____________5-7____2-1___180__208__-28___21____L1____10
Brantford Long Bombers______2-10___1-2____49___211__-162__7____L5____16

Okay First off Brantford Long Bombers are going bot so this team will become a BYE WEEK. It’s too late in the cup to find someone else so if you have a scheduled match for this team you recieve a 14-0 win. Currently in 1st place are the Brantford Boomers. There was a point in this cup when this team was 2-5. But now with there big win streak I don’t see them not making the top 4, unless The Raiders or The Wedskins can pull out 1 or 2 big upsets which I don’t see hapening for the Raiders, but The Raiders have some fire power, and if they get Neo La the ball then there going to put points up on the board. But if they wan’t to make it to the Top 8 then there going to have to reduce the number of PA, 243 is not a good number, infact it’s 3rd last in the entire cup! Coming in at 3rd/last are The Worksop Wedskins. This team is tied in 8th with division rival Monkey. But they will probably recieve another tough game this week because they have to face Knives Of Glory. If Worksop want’s to promote then these are the type of games they have to win.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2010-06-22 23:49:59

Westside Windies_____________8-4____2-1__215__140__75___29___W1_____3
Atlantis Cowboys_____________7-5_____2-1__209__166__43___29___L2_____7
Les Nyclatopes________________3-9____0-3___70__183__-113__10___L3___15

Coming in at 1st place are the Westside Windies. The solid defense of the Windies is very tough to beat, few teams have done that. But the defense of the Windies isn’t the only tough thing about them, there offense has put up the 3rd most points in the cup. This team is 3rd overall but could easily move up to 2nd place because they have a much better PD then Owings. In 2nd place are the powerful Atlantis Cowboys. This favourite to win the cup should probably worry about staying in the Top 8 let alone passing the Windies. There schedule doesn’t get any easier with there last 6 games being against fairly tough teams, including : The Westside Windies and The Charlotte Hawks. Thirdly are the Attack. The Attack have the same record as the 8th place team, but here’s the problem with them: They have a horrible PD. They are going to have to break .500 if they want to make it to the Top 8. It won’t be easy considering they have to beat: Big Baboons(another 5-7 team), Charlotte Hawks (an 8-4 team) ,Westside Windies (1st in the Play Action Divison, Owings Mills Golden Eagles (2nd place in the whole cup) and Atlantis Cowboys ( a top 8 team). Therefore I don’t see Attack breaking the Top 8. Lastly are LES NYCLATOPES. Unfourtunately they’re already out of the post-season but should keep there chins high. This team didn’t start playing untill March and have only let in an astonishing 183 points (7th place). If this team does comeback next cup then they should not be taking lightly.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2010-06-22 23:50:33
Chicago Bears_______________11-1____2-1___295__98__197__40___W11___1
Yobby Vicars_________________8-4____1-2___211___97__114__29___W5____5
Green Bay Packers___________5-7____1-2___192__156__26__18___W1_____8
Knives of Glory_______________4-8____2-1___142__282__-141_19___L4_____14

This division is possibly the toughest division in the cup. Coming in at 1st place is the Chicago Bears. The Bears lead the cup with a PD of 197. The Bears have basically clinched this division and they should be focusing on keeping the #1 spot from Reno, it shouldn’t be too challenging but anything could happen. Coming in at 2nd are the Yobby Vicars. The Vicars are a young team who have been the surprise of the cup. There main reason for succes has been there amazing defense (they have aloud the least amount of points in the cup). The Vicars have to try to keep there #5 spot in the cup, if they want an easier post-season matchup. They have The Hawks and The Cowboys trailing close behind. In 3rd place are the Packers. There a team who hasn’t been in the cup too long but has proven they can hold a lead and are doing that by containing the 8th and final play-off spot. They shouldn’t focus on catching Atlantis because they’ll never be able to, instead they should just try to keep there 8th place spot and accept that if they want in the playoffs there going to have to beat the Chicago Bears. In last place are the Knives O glory. This team is capable of so much but they just haven’t been able to put wins up on the board. If this team can find a way to 5 of there last 6 games (which can be done) then maybe just maybe, they’ll find a spot in the top 8.
Posts: 7
Posted on 2010-06-23 0:24:27
iwillneverforgetthis wrote:

Brantford Boomers____________7-5____2-1___192__190___2___27____W5___4
Galrauch Raiders______________5-7____1-2___248__243___5____32____L1___9
Worksop Wedskins____________5-7____2-1___180__208__-28___21____L1____10
Brantford Long Bombers______2-10___1-2____49___211__-162__7____L5____16

Okay First off Brantford Long Bombers are going bot so this team will become a BYE WEEK. It’s too late in the cup to find someone else so if you have a scheduled match for this team you recieve a 14-0 win. Currently in 1st place are the Brantford Boomers. There was a point in this cup when this team was 2-5. But now with there big win streak I don’t see them not making the top 4, unless The Raiders or The Wedskins can pull out 1 or 2 big upsets which I don’t see hapening for the Raiders, but The Raiders have some fire power, and if they get Neo La the ball then there going to put points up on the board. But if they wan’t to make it to the Top 8 then there going to have to reduce the number of PA, 243 is not a good number, infact it’s 3rd last in the entire cup! Coming in at 3rd/last are The Worksop Wedskins. This team is tied in 8th with division rival Monkey. But they will probably recieve another tough game this week because they have to face Knives Of Glory. If Worksop want’s to promote then these are the type of games they have to win.

nice write ups iwnft but dont count me out yet i still expect to finish 10-8 and beating you to the 4th seed
Posts: 2150
Posted on 2010-06-23 0:25:40
Monkey wrote:

Clint wrote:

great write-up again iwnft...and good game monkey

yeah good game clint and at least Neo won the battle of the top WRs in the cup

I didnt notice that till now, wow he single handedly lit me up...but mendes did have same amount of TD's.

And once again nice write-ups iwnft
Posts: 7
Posted on 2010-06-23 0:35:11
Clint wrote:

Monkey wrote:

Clint wrote:

great write-up again iwnft...and good game monkey

yeah good game clint and at least Neo won the battle of the top WRs in the cup

I didnt notice that till now, wow he single handedly lit me up...but mendes did have same amount of TD's.

And once again nice write-ups iwnft

it was the 90+ yarder that got me but thats what i get for playing my future SFs and LBs with low BPOS and TC but i didnt expect to be so close or i would have played starters and my rookie centre played that probably didnt help my QB
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