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Friendly cup - Tazmanian Devils cup - Barbarez WINS!
Posts: 360
Posted on 2008-10-28 11:52:16
Yes, you won by 20-0 too..
Posts: 341
Posted on 2008-10-28 12:09:12
NEWS: New York Giants Wannabies accepted your challenge to a friendly match (28.10.2008 10:56:16)
Posts: 1
Posted on 2008-10-28 13:49:04
Gruop H, Geyik Komutanlıgı made a mistake. Good luck all
Akake Noki
Posts: 444
Posted on 2008-10-28 19:28:54
Tulips-Falcons match set.
Posts: 19
Posted on 2008-10-29 12:37:23
You successfuly challenged Budapest Wolves to a friendly match.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-10-30 0:49:12
sent a challenge to B.Marley still unaccepted.
Akake Noki
Posts: 444
Posted on 2008-10-30 15:44:54
dioneanu wrote:

Here are the rankings. Again please notice me if you see any mistake

Group A:
New York Giants Wannabies 5 pts 62 0
Scoouts 2 pts 15 13
Sparta Nijkerk 2 pts 13 31
Italian Lovers 0 pts 0 45


Group C:
Budapest Wolves 5 pts 51 3
Esbjerg 2 pts 28 28
MS REUNION 2 pts 24 59
Trbovlje Animals 0 pts 7 20

Group D:
Tazmanian Devils 4 pts 17 7
Florence Jaguars 2 7 6
K9 Bologna 2 pts 6 7
SAOGHINAO 0 pts 7 17

Group E:
Bosnia Falcons 5 pts 56 7
Pancevo Tulips 2 pts 21 6
Hinojky Star Team 2 pts 6 35
Boston Patriots 0 pts 7 42

Group F:
Carlskrona Seahawks 4 pts 38 0
Cowboys from Hell 2 pts 13 14
Geyik Komutanligi SK 2 pts 28 38
Klosari 0 pts 14 41

How come some teams have 5 points after 2 games and some have 4?
I don`t remember seeing anything about it in the rules. (and I checked just in case)
Posts: 3125
Posted on 2008-10-30 15:46:22
scoring 5 TD's in one match gets you an extra point (It's in the rules )

Here are the rules:
general rules:
- first round of group stage will start on October 20, then week by week will continue the other rounds and the playoff
- matches will be played on bigger arena
- challenge time will be until Friday evening 9PM time so that team who's challenge is not accepted can have some room to
find a different friendly; if none of teams will send challenge, none of them will get points;
if one sends challenge and the challenge deadline is close, he will post here and will get the WO victory (20-0)
- the critteria for ranking the teams in the groups are: number of wins, difference in points, number of points scored
- if all agree, we can give a bonus point for more than 5 TD scored in a match

Playoff rules:
- 16 teams will go through after the group stage; best team in each group and the best 7 runner-ups.
- they will be ordered like: first will come group winners, ordered by winns and points difference; after that will come the runner ups
They will be team1, team2,.....,team16; the eighth finals will be : team1 vs team 16; team2 vs team15, ..and so on
These will be match 1, match 2, ..match 8; the quarter finals will be: winner from match1 vs winner from match8,
winner from match 2 vs winner from match 7...and so on
- in playoff will be played only 1 match between teams
Posts: 1287
Posted on 2008-11-03 14:38:29
Round 3: Supermeek Iron Wolves - Ceporting Marisol 14-0

Supermeek won

Am i to the next round?
Posts: 3125
Posted on 2008-11-03 15:24:59
1 page back is the standings after round 2.
Look at that and look if your victory is enough. Good Luck!
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