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Help Please Im Gething Beyond Trased What Am I doin Wrong
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-09-01 0:24:09
4-3 and 3-4 defenses (4 dL and 3 LB, and 3dl-4lb respectively) produce the most consistent results. Overbalancing creates holes in your defense and sets you up to have big plays break against you, especially when overmatched.
Homer Simpson
Posts: 36
Posted on 2009-09-01 0:31:01
thx so I got it right I should play with an exstra safety instead of one of they guys in dl hope that helps just a litle bit guess im off to see if I can find a guy half cable of playing safety that can be a chalenge in it self thx for they help guys
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)PHI 21GI Supporter
Posts: 3022
Joined: 2009-03-18
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2009-09-01 1:14:23
I wouldn't worry too much about finding players to fill holes just yet. Your players will get better as you play them. You're better off using your money to build your stadium. The faster you get your stadium built up, the easier it will be to buy the players that can really make a difference.
Also, don't put a lot of weight into a friendly game right now. Some division IV teams have been playing for almost 3 seasons now and could be just as good as top division teams. They just started a few weeks later, got stuck in a tough league and haven't promoted yet. There are some division V teams that have been playing a while too and will be very tough. The main things to worry about on friendlies is 1.) They generate money for you to build your stadium. 2.) They give your players extra playing time to improve Rating, Experience, and team chemistry. Improving all three of these things will go a long way towards helping your team become better.
You will take some lumps against human teams for a bit. I've been playing a bit over 1 season and occasionally, I still get thumped by a human by 50+ points, and sometimes I do the thumping. In the mean time, there are plenty of bots to play to make you feel better about your team.

And welcome to GI.
Posts: 8799
Posted on 2009-09-01 7:44:25
I also wouldn't play 3 middle linebackers. From what most of us have seen, defense in this game is broken into zones, and all that having 3 linebackers in the middle would do is load up that one zone while leaving the other 2 empty. When playing 3 LB's, I would for sure put one in the middle, one to the right, and one to the left.

The 4-3 or 3-4 defense idea is also a great one. Personally I've have success with a 3-3-5 as well, but it seems that many people this season have struggled with it.

Best advice I can give is to play around with formations in friendlies and be patient. It takes a little time to get a player's natural position changed, which will make them play better, and it will also take some time to get them trained. For an example of how quick the gap can be closed though...... In late May(early this season) I played a team in my league and beat them 21-0. They had pretty much no success with anything on offense and I looked like a far better team to them. Fast forward just 2 and a half months to August 1st, and they beat me in overtime 20-14, and just yesterday only lost a friendly to me 13-7.

Point of all of this is, with proper coaching and time, the gap can and usually does close quickly. You just have to be patient and willing to take a few beatings early on, along with experimenting and fixing any mistakes that you have made.
Posts: 1
Posted on 2009-09-01 14:19:31
whats the gims program?
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2009-09-01 18:21:38
Peter's awesome utility (almost said tool :huh
Grid Iron Management Studio
Posts: 3125
Posted on 2009-09-01 18:23:23