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Posted on 2008-09-01 16:00:50
A player needs to reach 100 points in a particular skill to gain a level/point in that skill. Once he gains a level he again starts from 0 plus training points over the 100 from the last level gain.
Each training cycle (once per week) a player gets 10 +- 2 training points automatically, he also gets points from teamwork (teamwork divided by 2), each player also gets gets training points from the coaches skill (For Example: player is training kicking, the coaches skill in kicking is 17 so the player gets additional 17 training points) and lastly he gets 4 additional points for the training hall and 4 for each consecutive training hall upgrade. He also gains/loses points depending on training intensity and players age. And that's the secret of training in Grid-Iron world.

Чтоб апнуть навык игроку надо набрать 100 очков.
Каждую неделю игрок получает 10 очков +/- 2 автоматически
Также очки от командной работы ( командная работа деленая на 2)
Одно очко от каждого уровня тренера (если у тренера по этому направлению 17, то +17)
За тренеровочный зал +4 и +4 за каждый уровень улучшения зала.
Получение/потеря очков также зависит от интенсивности и возраста
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Posted on 2008-09-01 16:06:35
- Players aged 16 to 27 train normal and lose no points due to their age.
- Players that are 28 years old lose 25% of their training.
- Players that are 29 years old lose 50% of their training.
- Players that are 30 years old lose 75% of their training.
- Players that are 31 years old get no training points. They also lose from 10 to 15 points on Speed, Strength, Agility and Stamina each training cycle.
- Players that are 32 years old get no training points. They also lose from 16 to 20 points on Speed, Strength, Agility and Stamina each training cycle.
- Players that are 33 years old and above get no training points. They also lose from 21 to 25 points on Speed, Strength, Agility and Stamina each training cycle.

от 16 до 27 лет нет потери очков
28 теряется 25% очков
29 50%
30 75%
31 очки тренировки не получают и теряют от 10 до 15 в Speed, Strength, Agility and Stamina
32 от 16 до 20 в Speed, Strength, Agility and Stamina
33 от 21 до 25 в Speed, Strength, Agility and Stamina
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Posted on 2008-09-02 13:04:49
Training points for attacking training regime are distributed as follows;
40% of all the training points received by the player go to the first randomly selected attacking skill,
25% of all the training points received by the player go to the second randomly selected attacking skill,
15% of all the training points received by the player go to the third randomly selected attacking skill,
12% of all the training points received by the player go to the fourth randomly selected attacking skill
and the last fifth attacking skill gets 8% of all the training points received by the player.

Training points for defending and fitness training regimes are distributed as follows;
50% of all the training points received by the player go to the first randomly selected defensive (if training defence) or fitness (if training fitness) skill
35% of all the training points received by the player go to the second randomly selected defensive (if training defence) or fitness (if training fitness) skill
the last third defensive (if training defence) or fitness (if training fitness) skill gets 15% of all the training points received by the player

Training points for kicking and tactical training regimes are distributed as follows;
65% of all the training points received by the player go to the first randomly selected kicking (if training kicking) or tactical (if training tactical) skill
the last, second kicking (if training kicking) or tactical (if training tactical) skill gets 35% of all the training points received by the player.

В случае если фокус тренировки не установлен очки распределяются следующим образом:
40% на первый случайно выбранный навык
25% на второй
15% на третий
12% на четвертый
8% на пятый

Защита и фитнесс
50% на первый случайно выбранный навык
35% на второй
15% на третий

Кикинг и тактика
65% на первый случайно выбранный навык
35% на второй
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-09-02 13:11:54
Training regime with 5 skills gets the following distribution of training points;
65% of all the training points go to the selected “focus on” skill, 10% go the the first randomly selected skill and the three other skills get 5% each.

Training regimes with 3 skills get the following distribution of training points;
75% of all the training points go to the selected “focus on” skill, 10% go to a randomly selected skill and 5% go to the last available skill.

Training regimes with 2 skills get the following distribution of training points;
75% of all the training points go to the selected “focus on” skill and 15% go to the other available skill.

Если фокус тренировки установлен, очки тренировки все равно будут распределены между всеми навыками следующим образом

65% на скилл указанный в фокусе
10% случайно выбранный
остальные по 5%

Защита и фитнесс
75% на скилл указанный в фокусе
10% случайно выбранный
остальные по 5%

Кикинг и тактика
75% на скилл указанный в фокусе
15% на оставшийся

(интересно, так задумано, чтоб при фокусе трени не все 100% распределялись)
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Posted on 2008-09-02 13:20:43
Talent has no direct influence on training as such. It does however limit how high a player can reach in his skills. If a player has talent;
1 then his maximum is 11
2 then his maximum is 12
3 then his maximum is 13
4 then his maximum is 14
5 then his maximum is 15
6 then his maximum is 16
7 then his maximum is 17
8 then his maximum is 18
9 then his maximum is 19
10 then his maximum is 20

The only 3 exceptions to this rule are speed, strength and stamina. Speed and strength are limited by a hidden maximum value (different for each player) that represents the maximum value player can reach even if he trains with weights each and every day. Stamina is not limited at all, and with extensive physical (fittness) training every player can reach 20 in stamina.

Талант на скорость трени не влияет, он только показывает какой максимальный навык игрок сможет достигнуть
1 до 11
2 до 12
3 до 13
4 до 14
5 до 15
6 до 16
7 до 17
8 до 18
9 до 19
10 до 20

Есть три исключения - speed, strength и stamina
speed, strength ограничены скрытым показателем различным для каждого игрока. (не уверен. возможно при дальнейшей трени показатель при достижении максимума все же возрастет но оч. медленно)

stamina нет никаких ограничений
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Posted on 2008-09-02 13:31:33
It is possible, it's just that much harder for the player to achieve that.
If a player is at his maximum then he has 1 in 3 chance to gain a point/level.
If a player is at his maximum + 1 then he has 1 in 5 chance to gain a point/level.
If a player is at his maximum + 2 then he has 1 in 10 chance to gain a point/level.
If a player is at his maximum + 3 then he has 1 in 20 chance to gain a point/level.
It is impossible for a player to go more than 4 above his maximum.

Возможен переход уровня показателя через максимум по таланту при дальнейшей тренировке
Если игрок достиг максимума шанс 1 из 3
Если +1 выше максимума шанс 1 из 5
Если +2 выше максимума шанс 1 из 10
Если +3 выше максимума шанс 1 из 20
При +4 выше максимума дальнейшая тренировка бесполезна
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Posted on 2008-09-02 13:34:04
No. By playing games, the player only increases his overall positional rating (Quarterback, Running back, etc...), which cannot be improved by training alone.

Игрок получает тренировку не зависимо от участия в играх.
Участие в играх увеличивает только рейтинг позиции, который не поддается влиянию тренировок
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Posted on 2008-09-03 13:03:43
Perekoor wrote:

Игрок получает тренировку не зависимо от участия в играх.Участие в играх увеличивает только рейтинг позиции, который не поддается влиянию тренировок

Мне кажется, в факе некорректно выразились. Участие в играх увеличивает не только рейтинг позиции, он и командную химию с опытом.
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Posted on 2008-09-03 13:10:16
zubberbuller wrote:

Ed_Wood wrote:

Зарплата игрока зависит как от скиллов, так и от рейтинга позиции (???). (Wage is related to his rating and skills and will be recalculated once each pre-season (not in this pre-season though))

Зарплата может быть пересчитана один раз. Во время предсезонной подготовки. (Не перед этим сезоном).
Не очень понятно, что значит может быть пересчитана.
Автоматом видимо будет пересчитана.

А насчет паса у меня вроде все ок с ним.

А что здесь непонятного? Зарплата пересчитывается каждое межсезонье, согласно новым значениям скиллов и рейтинга позиции. Вопросы означают, что я удивлен и не совсем понимаю, как учитывается рейтинг позиции в формуле расчета зарплаты (один или все).
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Posted on 2008-09-03 13:22:10
Sapaco wrote:

Всем привет.
Вот только интересно было бы знать в каком месте можно посмотреть результат треньки

Отчет о тренировке получают только обладатели саппортера. Все остальные, насколько я понимаю, делают это вручную, сравнивая с данными прошлой недели.

Кстати, субскилы (количество тренировочных очков сверх уровня) в этой игре практически у всех игроков почему-то близки к нулю. Так что первые апы следует ждать не раньше пары-тройки недель, как минимум. Лично у меня после первой тренировки произошло лишь одно изменение, да и то это было падение навыка.
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