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How to Value my players
Posts: 6
Posted on 2013-04-04 14:51:36
Hey Grid Iron world, as a total noob got my team today, have read quite a bit but still pretty clueless, is there anyway to figure out witch of my players that have any cash value, I figure that I might as well sell anyone there is worth something as long as I can´t afford to train prober anyway (no fitness coach or center) then it would be a shame to just waste talent that are potientaly worth something,might as well invest the money in something use full like seats or trainer / training facilities
my only problem is I got no clue how to see with players I should list for what,
I could of course list every one I think might be posible to sell at 1 and see what happens just seems very risky other option is transfer list theme at like a 100k and then set the price down 10k for every time the don´t sell but this could take a while and end up costing a lot of transfer listing money
so could any one give me a general idea as for what to look for when you want to value a player or 2 3 eksampels on type of players that I might have on my new starting team that might be worth something
with a bid on what they may be worth any advice apreciated as my only idea right now is something like low age high con int and talent should mean more money but no idea how much and what is most important

Bonus question is there any add ons to the game I shouldn´t play with out then I would very much apreciate a link an a short reasons as to why I need it thanks in advance
Posts: 0
Posted on 2013-04-04 15:40:51
The first thing to do is look at a players talent rating. The only players with any real value will be players with at least 3 and a half stars. The reason is talent determines the maximum position rating a player can achieve.

3.5 and 4 star talents can reach 4 and a half stars at a position, where as 4.5 and 5 star talents can reach 5 stars at a position. Most of higher division teams (if not all) will not use players with any less than 3.5 stars of talent.

The next thing that really determines value is the players physical stats, Speed and Strength. These help determine what sort of position the player can be used at effectively. Players with strength 18 or higher will be more effective playing on the offensive line than a player with high speed but low strength would.

Another thing that matters with a players physicals is if they are capped or not. Capped referring to whether the physical stat in question can be trained higher or not. (Not every player can reach 20 speed, some don't even reach 12 speed) If both of a players physicals cap quite low, then he isn't going to be effective playing many positions. The only viable positions left for him to play would be Quarterback (Providing he has high intelligence and consistency) or somewhere on the special teams.

Considering you are a new team, all of your players physicals should be uncapped. The only easy way to check if they are capped or not later on is by having a supporter account.

Players with high intelligence and consistency are also well sought after to be played at Quarterback, Middle Linebacker and Safety, though any player with a high consistency will be quite valuable to play other positions.
The last real deciding factor is the players age. You could have a player with 5 stars of talent, 20 intelligence, 20 consistency and good physicals, but if hes 29 years old now, he's not going to be much use as he is too old to train effectively for the long term.

As a new team, the first thing i'd do is see what players have 4.5 or 5 stars of talent. If they are a decent age, then you should probably sell them. But be sure to post an Ad in the Ads section and let people know what talent they are.

Bit of a long read but I hope this helps
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)PHI 21GI Supporter
Posts: 3024
Joined: 2009-03-18
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2013-04-04 15:58:35
mga77 wrote:

Hey Grid Iron world, as a total noob got my team today, have read quite a bit but still pretty clueless, is there anyway to figure out witch of my players that have any cash value, I figure that I might as well sell anyone there is worth something as long as I can´t afford to train prober anyway (no fitness coach or center) then it would be a shame to just waste talent that are potientaly worth something,might as well invest the money in something use full like seats or trainer / training facilities
my only problem is I got no clue how to see with players I should list for what,
I could of course list every one I think might be posible to sell at 1 and see what happens just seems very risky other option is transfer list theme at like a 100k and then set the price down 10k for every time the don´t sell but this could take a while and end up costing a lot of transfer listing money
so could any one give me a general idea as for what to look for when you want to value a player or 2 3 eksampels on type of players that I might have on my new starting team that might be worth something
with a bid on what they may be worth any advice apreciated as my only idea right now is something like low age high con int and talent should mean more money but no idea how much and what is most important

Bonus question is there any add ons to the game I shouldn´t play with out then I would very much apreciate a link an a short reasons as to why I need it thanks in advance

Welcome to GI!

Each manager values things a bit differently, but you will see a theme about which skills they are interested in.
For me, the most important skill is talent. From what I've been seeing lately, managers group talent in 5 groups.
5* only

The 3.5* and 4* talent players are essentially the same to me, but some like to make a distinction. The same for 4.5* and 5*. Most everyone agrees the 3* or less are only placeholder rubbish until you can get better talent.

The next important skills are INT and CON. Which is more important depends on the manager.

A third group of important skills is SPD and STR. However, there is wiggle room here as long as the skills are uncapped (which they should be in your case at the moment). So if the skills are somewhat lowish (<17), but uncapped, you can still get money out of them. If they are capped (or especially uncapped) highish (18> they are generally worth more.

As to what you start bidding at? That's a guessing game at any point. I've seen similar players sell for differences as big as $10K to $1 mil.

Generally, the higher the talent, INT, CON, and SPD/STR potential, the more money they will sell for. I recommend picking a starting bid a little lower than most, but advertise the player. If he's a good player and you advertise, he will tend to sell for a lot more than your initial starting bid. If he's borderline, you might get lucky and sell him for your starting bid if it's not too high. The end time of the sale could affect the amount as well, try to pick an end date/time when more managers are online. Weekends tend to be good.

Without being able to see your players, I'd start any 4.5*+ talents at about $50K, and 3.5* and 4* talents at about 10K. With good advertising and a good end date, they should mostly sell and some for a better price.
I'm sure others will offer their opinions and may have some vastly different numbers, so you might want to see what the rest of the community says.
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)PHI 21GI Supporter
Posts: 3024
Joined: 2009-03-18
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2013-04-04 16:08:43
I forgot to add in my post, but it looks like Cameron touched on it a bit, when you place an advertisement for your players, be sure to include talent level for each player and spd/str caps if there are any. These are the only things potential buyers can't see when looking at players on the transfer market.

I do recommend being honest about the these things. Potential buyers do have scouts they can use to see talent, but are limited to 5 per week. More importantly, if you gain a reputation for miss-leading information in ads, other managers tend to stop buying from those managers altogether.

This is also useful information to know when you start buying players yourself. You are ultimately responsible for knowing or finding the talent of players. If you are lied to about talent and you spend a lot of money on a rubbish player, it's your fault (in the eyes of the devs). But owners who lie tend to get a name among the other managers fairly quickly and have a hard time selling afterwards.
Posts: 6
Posted on 2013-04-04 17:01:10
Cool gives me a general idea what to look for still don´t have a clue to what the could be worth thou got 9 players under 27 3.5 stars +
none of theme are capped in physicals anyone want to help me out with an educated guess as to what these guys might be worth / who might be worth

another question is there any players that are so bad that I should just cut theme as the are simply a waste of wage I mean like 1 star talent or older players as they can´t improve (very much)
Last edited on 2013-04-06 at 3:53
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)PHI 21GI Supporter
Posts: 3024
Joined: 2009-03-18
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2013-04-04 19:09:32
mga77 wrote:

Cool gives me a general idea what to look for still don´t have a clue to what the could be worth thou got 9 players under 27 3.5 stars +
none of theme are capped in physicals anyone want to help me out with an educated guess as to what these guys might be worth / who might be worth selling,

If it was me, I'd sell the first three (4.5* and 5*) players you list. I'd probably put them at $50,000 or $100,000. The market is fickle sometimes. At times, you may have a hard time selling them at that price, other times, a bid war will erupt and you could end up getting 10 times that amount. The others, I'd put in positions they are best suited for and just play them there as part of my starting lineup.

mga77 wrote:

another question is there any players that are so bad that I should just cut theme as the are simply a waste of wage I mean like 1 star talent or older players as they can´t improve (very much)

You have to have at least 18 players on your roster, so you can't cut everybody that's worthless. And in a way, all players have some worth to an extent. Essentially though, anybody 3* or less is considered rubbish by most managers. I'd keep everybody 4* or less in talent and play them. If you still have over 18 players and you want to focus on saving money, cut the lowest talents first. You can occasionally pick up a few 3.5* and 4* talent players on the transfer market by fishing (buying several at $1000 and hoping for the best).
As far as spending though, you should focus on your stadium first and foremost. Buy VIP seats, as much as you can, then Exec seats. Without stadium income, your team will not have room to improve.
Last edited on 2013-04-06 at 3:56
SrednaDGI Supporter
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Joined: 2010-11-02
Posted on 2013-04-04 19:17:42

mga77 wrote:

Should bring in something around 100k. I would keep

#2 could go for a million or so. If he had been 16 then at least a million. Decide if you need him as your future QB (it will take 2-3 seasons before he is ready).

#3 could go for a 100k also.

So you could sell #2 and find a decent replacement in the youth pulls or transfer market - if needed.

Og check det danske forum - vi er en del gode trænere derinde!Last edited on 2013-04-06 at 3:58

"Quarterbacks should wear a dress." - Jack Lambert

If you are ever feeling down, just know that neither of Dorfenschmirtz's parents showed up to his birth.

Posts: 6
Posted on 2013-04-04 23:32:04
thanks for all the answers ended up transfer listing all of theme before I read all the answers but think I got the prices all most correct acording to the advice in the tread now all there is left to do is just to wait and see how much cash I will end up with and then figure out what I can afford to invest in
Posts: 7952
Posted on 2013-04-05 2:00:55
i would just sell the 4.5 and 5.0 talent ones. they will be worth selling, the others will probably go for peanuts due to their ages, so might as well keep them.
Posts: 704
Posted on 2013-04-05 2:58:11
mga77 wrote:

Cool gives me a general idea what to look for still don´t have a clue to what the could be worth thou got 9 players under 27 3.5 stars +
none of theme are capped in physicals anyone want to help me out with an educated guess as to what these guys might be worth / who might be worth

another question is there any players that are so bad that I should just cut theme as the are simply a waste of wage I mean like 1 star talent or older players as they can´t improve (very much)

Three young high talent players, you got very lucky.

Last edited on 2013-04-06 at 3:59
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