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Injuries, Depth, and Tactics
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2008-12-22 5:08:32
It's entirely possible that: A) this belongs more in the suggestion forum; and B) It's already been discussed. But I thought I'd post it here because I am not 100% certain that, what I think to be true, is.

If Monday Morning at 0200 I have 1 or more Players get injured, and If this includes atleast one Player who is scheduled to play that day, and if the friendly match goes off at 0730.... Doesn't this basically mean that my team is very likely to default back to BOT tactics for the day if I don't manage to log on during the 4 hour window and swap the Player out?

If that is the cause, wouldn't it be a good idea to add like 3 roster slots that are "backup Players" that could fill in for an injured Player if the above circumstance where to occur? This seems to me to be a situation that could potentially cause a lot of unnecessary heartache...

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-22 5:17:20
Xiong Yoshi wrote:

It's entirely possible that: A) this belongs more in the suggestion forum; and B) It's already been discussed. But I thought I'd post it here because I am not 100% certain that, what I think to be true, is.

If Monday Morning at 0200 I have 1 or more Players get injured, and If this includes atleast one Player who is scheduled to play that day, and if the friendly match goes off at 0730.... Doesn't this basically mean that my team is very likely to default back to BOT tactics for the day if I don't manage to log on during the 4 hour window and swap the Player out?

If that is the cause, wouldn't it be a good idea to add like 3 roster slots that are "backup Players" that could fill in for an injured Player if the above circumstance where to occur? This seems to me to be a situation that could potentially cause a lot of unnecessary heartache...


Great idea! Need something to ensure injured players isn't uncontrollably disastrous!
Posts: 8799
Posted on 2008-12-22 5:18:33
If something like that actually happened, then yes you'd be correct.

The problem is, injuries currently can only happen during training, and that is only done on Thursdays. So only if you load default orders early in the week then forget to check them would this be an issue(I had it happen one week, so I know it can and does happen).
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-22 6:17:51
the earliest match it could affect is AFLC, and if you're not paying attention for that
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2008-12-22 6:34:35
buckeye1022 wrote:

If something like that actually happened, then yes you'd be correct.

The problem is, injuries currently can only happen during training, and that is only done on Thursdays. So only if you load default orders early in the week then forget to check them would this be an issue(I had it happen one week, so I know it can and does happen).

[From the FAQ]
Injuries - Every day at 02:00

Anyways, I was just bringing the topic up as a way of... well, I guess making sure that such a situation doesn't become a problem at some point.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-22 7:09:50
Xiong Yoshi wrote:

[From the FAQ]
Injuries - Every day at 02:00

Anyways, I was just bringing the topic up as a way of... well, I guess making sure that such a situation doesn't become a problem at some point.

I know the FAQ does say that (should be fixed), but they have also said that injuries only occur during training. Since training is only on Thursday... you're all set.
Xiong Yoshi
Posts: 224
Posted on 2008-12-22 7:46:58
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-22 11:37:12
The timing of that is correct just what it is processing is unclear. Everyday at 0200 Injuries get processed. NEW injuries can only occur due to training, old Injuries get moved along by the appropriate percentage at 0200 every day.
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