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Optimal Stadium Seating
Posts: 1380
Posted on 2008-12-16 23:10:08
Is it confirmed by admin?
Posts: 332
Posted on 2008-12-16 23:16:45
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-16 23:27:43
I think it was actually, time to go a diggin through the threads
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-16 23:48:14
ok just did a quick scan of all the mentioning of stadium limits there has been in the rookie forum no confirmation for or against tiered attendance by the admins.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-16 23:59:03
FAQ wrote:

Attendance is calculated by using the basic attendance (60.000) and manipulating that number by different factors that effect the willingness of spectators to come and see the game:
- League level
The basic attendance is lowered by 6.000 for each level below the first; 54.000 for second level, 48.000 for third, 42.000 for fourth, and so on until the basic attendance is 6.000. The basic attendance stays 6.000 after the tenth level.
- Team Form
Team form plays a big factor in the minds of the spectators. They are much more willing to come and root for their team if the team has a good league run and less willing to come when the team hits a bad streak.
- Team Postion
For every position above the last a team gets 1% more attendance. (For Example: a Team that is fifth will get 5% more attendance - calculated with the basic attendance, not the attendance modified by the team form or weather)
- Weather
Weather can make a big difference when it comes to attendance. If it's sunny then the crowds are more willing to go and see the match. If the weather is bad then the people tend to stay at home rather than go to the game.

[GI] AdminGI Supporter
Posts: 2371
Posted on 2008-12-17 7:55:24
Correct. And for friendlies you will have less attendance as on official games, when you grow big.
Posts: 93
Posted on 2008-12-17 11:59:01
From how I understand the discussion, the best thing to do from an economic point of view is to enlarge your stadium until you hit your attendance level, i.e. 42'000 for a division IV team.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-17 18:42:30
That is my understanding as well. I would allow the additional 10% allowances though. Remember that 42,000 is as likely to go up as it is to go down. So if you're first place in your division your base is 10% higher bringing it to 46,200. Then you have weather factors and winning streak to consider as well.

Then again I haven't seen any posts that have said that 42,000 is a hard cap either. If it's a hard cap then the only thing you can do is go down in attendance from that point and not up... Unsure about this one.
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-17 19:12:48
I'm pretty sure it's not a hard cap as they refer to it repeatedly as a Base value.
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