Grid-Iron american football game language selector
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So what your telling me is...
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-14 7:46:40
So what your telling me is...I have to pay the game designer/programmer/company money, to do any game planning? and I'm expected to see in 3 days if it's worth to pay for a game that's not even run by the country that invented the game....riiiiiight

So how long has this game been going on?
Who are the programmers and how much football experience do they have?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-14 8:57:28
You can play without paying money For money you can only receive some new features (more details Home>Supporter).
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-14 9:21:43
I hate to call them features so much as user aids, but features they are.

I've never known a game to give a free trial of more than 7 days and most are around 3 days. I don't think it is unreasonable for you to be able to make your assessment of the game in such time.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-14 11:25:13
What gameplanning options are you saying you are without? You can still scout your opponent, sign players, train players, set your lineup, etc. without paying any money. If you are a supporter, you can do a few other things like have your own avatar and team logo, pick out cheerleaders, have the "spreadsheet" view of your team where you can sort them by stats, and view the training bar (showing progression to next level of stat in training). The last two are useful, but not entirely necessary to compete in this game. There are several non-supporter teams out there right now. There is no competitive edge gained from paying money. Your players aren't better, you don't unlock new tactics or anything. This just seems like a lot of boo-hoo'ing about nothing.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-14 18:06:03
Lineup, as in setting who is on the different positions?
I'm talking play maker. choosing the different formations. plays to run by down and distance etc etc etc. football strategies.
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-14 18:13:54
Uchi, I would suggest you read the FAQ on how the setup works. This isn't a simulation in the same sense as GLB, which from your suggestions I would guess is where you came from. those extra formation slots you see in the supporter setup are so that you can have four or five setups presaved but oyu only get to use one per game, for the whole game. Please remember if that is not to your liking we totally understand that, but we hope that you give it a few weeks before you make a decision on the overall game.
Posts: 2
Posted on 2008-12-14 22:58:36
CaliGaucho wrote:

What gameplanning options are you saying you are without? You can still scout your opponent, sign players, train players, set your lineup, etc. without paying any money. If you are a supporter, you can do a few other things like have your own avatar and team logo, pick out cheerleaders, have the "spreadsheet" view of your team where you can sort them by stats, and view the training bar (showing progression to next level of stat in training). The last two are useful, but not entirely necessary to compete in this game. There are several non-supporter teams out there right now. There is no competitive edge gained from paying money. Your players aren't better, you don't unlock new tactics or anything. This just seems like a lot of boo-hoo'ing about nothing.

I still have the spreadsheet (i cant sort it but still have the option to view it) when my free supporter expired already
Will that spreadsheet update (as in change as my player stats get higher) or is it just gonna look like how it was when my supporter expired
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-14 23:05:17
It will change.
Posts: 3527
Posted on 2008-12-15 19:10:04
Well the Admins have said over and over again that the "Extras" dont give you an advantage in the games just make collecting said info quicker and you dont need it to be a winning team in your region but its nice to have them to help you get through things faster
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