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Advice on how to spend money
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Posted on 2008-12-10 19:36:29
Just Looking for some Vets to give ideas on how to spend the cash I am making ... Should I keep upgrading one part of my stadium at a time? should I get a Pro shop or a training or academy first what are the long term ideas for people?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-10 20:18:20
I would recommend upgrading your Stadium. Executive Seats have proven to be the most profitable.

But in all fairness, it is completely up to you! I currently have a fully upgraded Fitness Centre, and a 3000 seated Stadium. During the off-season I intend to purchase some level 20 Coaches.

The choice is yours
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-10 20:41:58
Prettier cheerleaders.

But seriously, there are benefits to several options I think. Improved coaches or facilities could allow you to train more effectively. However, increasing your stadium size will make your team more financially stable and bring in even more money to spend later on. Also, you'll be able to afford upkeep on the facilities you build.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-10 20:53:46
The way I see everything is this:

Upgrading your Stadium - A safe option as you know that eventually you will break-even and start turning over a profit. Also, you will not find any difficulty finding a Friendly if you are already doing so.

Upgrading your coaches - A risky option in the sense of money. Sure, your team will reap the rewards undoubtedly, but is it worth the cost of the initial signing on fee and their wages? You must also consider that there is no pay back with coaches, unless you intend to sell some of your players, but even if you do so, there is no answer as to what income you will receive from the transfer fee. However, you are likely to win more matches, which leads to more sponsor money and a potential shot at promotion.

Upgrading your facilities - If you have a focus on where you would like to take your team, then perhaps this is the option for you. For example, I am highly tuning my players' fitness attributes. Therefore, a fitness centre is somewhat neccessary. However, I see this area as something to invest in, in the future, after you have a more stable income, as the Maintenance costs can add up greatly.

Remember, this is just my opinion. I'm sure other will see this differently
Posts: 1336
Posted on 2008-12-10 22:33:15
Gurudefence wrote:

Upgrading your facilities - If you have a focus on where you would like to take your team, then perhaps this is the option for you. For example, I am highly tuning my players' fitness attributes. Therefore, a fitness centre is somewhat neccessary. However, I see this area as something to invest in, in the future, after you have a more stable income, as the Maintenance costs can add up greatly.

Is a fitness center worthwhile if you don't have a high level fitness coach?

I guess maybe if you had a player with good teamwork, he might achieve some bonus, but it seems like you'd need both the facilities and a coach to really make it pay off.

BTW, do the upgrades also cost $200k?

Posts: 1596
Posted on 2008-12-10 22:35:49
Wire your money to me and I'll handle it for ya.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-10 22:45:02
I'd like to wire you my money in exchange for equivalent in real $
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Posted on 2008-12-10 22:48:52
Solana_Steve wrote:

Is a fitness center worthwhile if you don't have a high level fitness coach?

I guess maybe if you had a player with good teamwork, he might achieve some bonus, but it seems like you'd need both the facilities and a coach to really make it pay off.

BTW, do the upgrades also cost $200k?


Upgrades are $75k each, Steve.

Also, I purchased it as I had some spare cash at the time, knowing that I was going to invest in a 20 Fitness Coach at the end of the season
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-11 1:48:20
I pretty much went by Guru's idea, and seems as most of my players are like on fitness of 2 and some max of 6, I saw this as vital to train before anything else, while making sure I have speed and strength, teamwork coming second First thing I did with all that cash was build me 500 more seats, 200 executive seats, and 100 of the vip seats. Again make sure you build it on one thats not the one with currently 500 seats.

This cost me aproximately 200k, but I hope to see a return on this fairly soon as on average I am currently losing 5-20k a week. Therefore once built I hope that this will cover my costs and that I can start reaping in some profit for the next 2 stadium upgrades in the same proportion.

That would probably take me a season or mid next season to do. From there I should be more financially viable to really focus on my team properly from then on. Its a fail safe way in my opinion to upgrade the 4 different parts of stadium first so your making a stable income, before really working on the teams. Oh and one final thing, try not to go over the top with the transfer market

Hope this helps, as this is my current experiences.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-11 5:19:01
ok what about getting the Pro gift shop thing to help bring in more money ? is it worth it?
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