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Selling players
Posts: 1352
Posted on 2008-12-07 18:28:45
I'm hoping someone has some insight into selling players. I wanted to shop a couple of mine and was warned that it would cost me the selling price plus 8% tax. Uh, aren't you supposed to make money when you sell something? Worst case, I could just fire them, but like I said, I'm hoping someone can 'splain this to me.

P.S. I already bought a player and that seemed straightforward, so is it just a poorly worded caution pop-up?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-07 18:32:08
You pay $2,500 to put a player on the transfer list. The money that you will receive is then taxed at the neccessary rate.

I understand what you mean. Right now, with some players, you will make a loss if you put them on the transfer market. With that, I will respond by telling you that this game is still fairly new. When players reach higher skill levels, it will seem fairly logical - As players will sell for a higher fee.

Hope this helps,
Posts: 17
Posted on 2008-12-07 19:24:02
Asgard wrote:

I'm hoping someone has some insight into selling players. I wanted to shop a couple of mine and was warned that it would cost me the selling price plus 8% tax. Uh, aren't you supposed to make money when you sell something? Worst case, I could just fire them, but like I said, I'm hoping someone can 'splain this to me.

P.S. I already bought a player and that seemed straightforward, so is it just a poorly worded caution pop-up?

"Do you really want to SELL this player?
It will cost you 2,500 $ and 3% of the final selling price (GIA tax)!
Also note that you cannot change your mind after you press OK!"

i'm pretty sure you misread it
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-07 19:45:11
He didn't misread it, he just couldn't figure out why he would be loosing money on players he's selling.

Basically if you're not going to sell a guy for at least 3000 don't bother selling him. 3000 is a rough break even point for a being sold. If he's not worth that much, just fire him. Your pay roll and pocket book are better off.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-07 20:11:33
It's to prevent day trading. The longer on your club, the smaller the tax.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-07 20:56:50
croverja wrote:

It's to prevent day trading. The longer on your club, the smaller the tax.

Yeah, no matter what you do you'd still have to sell for a min of 2600 (assuming a 3% tax) or 3500 (Assuming a 30% tax) just to break even.

Out of curiosity.. what's the problem with Day Trading? If the players belonged to actual humans I could understand, but they're just another aspect of the game. So I'm curious... why was Day Trading worried about?
Posts: 1352
Posted on 2008-12-07 22:58:48
Thanks for the info, all.

tahl, I think you're right, $3000 looks like the minimum to avoid a loss so might as well just fire em. If nothing else, it'll force out the older players since who's gonna pay $3000 for a 33-year-old NT?

I also think guru's right that it will be cool to see how the stats develop over time--if the stats were buff enough in the right places, maybe a 33-year-old NT is worth $3k. (How old is Pat Williams, anyway?)
Posts: 1352
Posted on 2008-12-07 23:06:53
TD_on_the_TO wrote:

Asgard wrote:

I'm hoping someone has some insight into selling players. I wanted to shop a couple of mine and was warned that it would cost me the selling price plus 8% tax. Uh, aren't you supposed to make money when you sell something? Worst case, I could just fire them, but like I said, I'm hoping someone can 'splain this to me.

P.S. I already bought a player and that seemed straightforward, so is it just a poorly worded caution pop-up?

"Do you really want to SELL this player?
It will cost you 2,500 $ and 3% of the final selling price (GIA tax)!
Also note that you cannot change your mind after you press OK!"

i'm pretty sure you misread it

Actually, by coincidence the asking price I chose for the player was $2,500, and I made the wrong assumption that it was charging me the asking price and not a flat fee. That's what really threw me. But I'm glad I brought it up here anyway--learning good stuff.
Posts: 1380
Posted on 2008-12-08 16:06:15
Man, I payed 11 000 for 31 years old O-lineman a week ago So it's possible to pay tons of money for old player, when he is good and needed for immediate impact.

And I'm sure that was good price My starting o-lineman got injured. I got regional cup final game and this o-lineman was making 2,5/3 stars in a game report (now he is doing 2,5 because of chemistry), so he is perfect fit.
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