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RB Help...
Posts: 1336
Posted on 2008-12-07 7:13:05
I have this HB that I've been playing in friendlies and such and pulls down only 1 star despite have a natural position of RB and 5-star team chemistry. Is it just harder to get more stars as a HB (sort of like Kickers) or is there something wrong with him:

Positioning 5 Tackling 2 Punting 2
Vision 7 Blocking 3 Speed 14
Intelligence 14 Passing 6 Strength 11
Footwork 5 Catching 5 Agility 5
Carrying 7 Kicking 1 Stamina 3

He seems to pick up yardage okay, so maybe stars don't matter or its just the competition.


SD Blitz
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-07 11:30:10
Stars do not relate whatsoever to a players skills.

It is completely based on Matches Played..

EDIT: This response is based on Positional Rating, and not Match Ratings.Last edited on 2008-12-07 at 15:29
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-07 15:23:47
in game stars or positional rating?
Posts: 1336
Posted on 2008-12-07 16:35:59
Mercutioh wrote:

in game stars or positional rating?

Sorry, I meant in game stars (those found under the Stats tab of the match).

I see other HBs getting 1 1/2 to 2 stars, so what needs improvement with this runner? I think it maybe his strength and/or stamina.

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-12-07 16:43:33
Gurudefence wrote:

Player Ratings

Individual Rating (For example, Matches) = positional rating + positional stats + stamina + consistency + team chemistry

Posts: 8799
Posted on 2008-12-07 19:48:29
His stamina is a little low, and if has low consistency and low team chemistry, then that explains it.

Don't be discouraged though. The more he plays, the higher his team chemistry will go, and you can always use training to get his stamina up.
Posts: 1380
Posted on 2008-12-07 23:17:57
Don't worry, my HB is making 0,5 star at the end of the game
Posts: 1352
Posted on 2008-12-08 1:35:12
If you line up your FB in front of your main back, your main back will get the carries, at least in my game. The combo worked great. My featured back had 320 yds and 5 TDs and the FB never got a carry. Just sayin'.
Posts: 1352
Posted on 2008-12-08 22:35:56
Asgard wrote:

If you line up your FB in front of your main back, your main back will get the carries, at least in my game. The combo worked great. My featured back had 320 yds and 5 TDs and the FB never got a carry. Just sayin'.

Just to update this experiment, I left my backs in the same formation for a friendly, and the featured back still got most of the carries, though the FB got about a third of them. The plot thickens.
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-12-09 5:39:48
fbs are slated to get a lower % chance to carry the ball according to the admins. This doesn't mean that they are slated to get % amount of carries just that on a given play if it is run in their "zone" that they have % chance to get the ball.

for example it is statistically unlikely to flip a coin ten times and have it come up heads every time. But just because the last nine flips have come up heads, the next flip still has a 50/50 chance. this could explain your zero carry game vs the third of the carries.
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