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Get in a higher Division
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-11-28 14:50:40
anquetil wrote:

Gurudefence wrote:

This has been mentioned many times before, and the answer is still a polite, no.

Not by me it hasn't and polite would be to give us a reason.

Basically, what criteria would be needed for teams to be promoted to higher divisions? It is not fair, and therefore sticking with the current structure is fair...

Think about it. In theory, bot teams will be demoted and active teams will be promoted. Therefore, in a few seasons time, the Top Divisions and the ones will below will be full of active members - I'd like to think so anyway.

Hope this makes things a little clearer,

Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-11-28 17:12:58
I can see that of course. But as there are so many teams whose owners lost interest in the game I think it is a pity they block players who still have interest in the game. And then they loose interest....
I play a couple of month, haven't lost a league match yet. But still I will play the same bot-teams next season? Or maybe not...
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-11-29 6:00:40
Every one has arguments for both sides of this discussion.

Basically it boils down to which does more long term harm, bot flush or no bot flush.

IMO it's the bot flush that is the most controversial. There simply is no valid way to determine what team is better than another once you get to interdivisional comparisons. Let's say we have team A in div IV.8 with a record of 11-0 and a PD of 565-201 but their team resides in a series full of nothing but bots.

On the other side of the coin you have team B in div IV.12 at 11-0 with a PD of 405-41 PD but he's beaten all humans. Is team A better because they scored MORE? or is team B better because they had better defense. Now imagine there are 6 more teams with similar scenarios vying for one slot in the promotion/relegation tables. are you going to be happy as team number 4 in that tie if there are only 3 slots?

This is why I think that the direct relegation of 3 teams a season should clear everything up nicely.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-11-29 10:14:10
That's an other discussion but play-offs would clear that out of course.
My point is only: why wait a long time for bot teams to disappear(I guess that half of the higher divisions are bot teams) and loose more players in the process?
I rest my case.
Posts: 7396
Posted on 2008-11-29 15:16:58
no it's the same discussion. if you choose to move all the bots to the bottom some method has to be used. right now the system in place for promotion is by record and points differential. the players who got to stomp bots all season long have better PD than everyone else. that is unfair and unbalanced at best.

since you seem to want terse answers I hope that will do.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-11-29 18:17:54
Get real. In my 4. div there are 2 players (5 when I started 2 month ago). In III.1 there are 2 players, in III.3 there are 3 players, and so on... So there is place enough for everybody that wants to play against others. Why give the impression this game is big? I think something has to be done to keep it alive. It has nothing to do about fairness. Use the alphabet, play-offs whatever.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-11-29 18:19:13
Mod hat off.

If you were civil, you would receive a civil response.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2008-11-29 18:32:10
Gurudefence wrote:

Mod hat off.

If you were civil, you would receive a civil response.

There doesn't seem to be anyone here that is not civil, just valid arguments.
Posts: 619
Posted on 2008-11-29 18:52:40
There's only one way to be promoted to the higher division, win our own league.
Posts: 8799
Posted on 2008-11-29 19:28:33
I see both sides, but I agree that the way we're doing it is probably best. There's just too many questions with how to break ties between teams in other divisions. I know I'd hate it if I went 12-6 against mostly humans, outscoring them by 150 but another team went 12-6 against a lot of bots and outscored them by 250, and therefore moved on. There's also the question of when teams played their opponents. Some teams had human owners early that lost interest. Those games against the humans would be tougher than that team now as a bot.

The way we have it, it should be 5 seasons max before the bots are out of the top 2 divisions, and not much longer until they are all in the lowest divisions.
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